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Microsoft Speech API 5.3


SPRECORESULTTIMES contains the time information for speech recognition. This data structure is used by the ISpRecoResult::GetResultTimes method.

    typedef struct SPRECORESULTTIMES
    FILETIME    ftStreamTime;
    ULONGLONG   ullLength;
    DWORD       dwTickCount;
    ULONGLONG   ullStart;


  • ftStreamTime
    Absolute time for start of phrase audio as a 64-bit value based on the Win32 APIs, SystemTimeToFileTime and GetSystemTime. When an application uses wav file input, SAPI sets the stream position and start time information to zero.
  • ullLength
    Value containing the length of the phrase specified in 100 nanosecond units.
  • dwTickCount
    Number of milliseconds elapsed from the start of the system to the start of the current result. This variable is set to zero if the wave file input is used.
  • ullStart
    Value containing the total 100 nanosecond units from the start of the stream to the start of the phrase.