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ISpSREngine::PrivateCallEx (SAPI 5.3)

Microsoft Speech API 5.3


ISpSREngine::PrivateCallEx performs the same task as ISpSREngine::PrivateCall, except that a variable sized data block can be returned from the engine to the engine extension object.

    HRESULT PrivateCallEx(
   void        *pvEngineContext,
   const void  *pInCallFrame,
   ULONG        ulInCallFrameSize,
   void       **ppvCoMemResponse,
   ULONG       *pulResponseSize


  • pvEngineContext
    [in] The engine's pointer for this context, as returned from a previous call to OnCreateRecoContext.
  • pInCallFrame
    [in] Address of the engine-specific input data.
  • ulInCallFrameSize
    [in] Size, in bytes, of the engine-specific data contained in pInCallFrame.
  • ppvCoMemResponse
    [out] Address of a pointer to the response block information from the SR engine. This must be allocated with CoTaskMemAlloc.
  • pulResponseSize
    [out] Size, in bytes, of the ppvCoMemResponse data.

Return values
