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Setting the Locale and Other Properties


Indexing Service is no longer supported as of Windows XP and is unavailable for use as of Windows 8. Instead, use Windows Search for client side search and Microsoft Search Server Express for server side search.


To use the ADO API, a program or script often needs to set various dynamic ADO properties of the Command, Connection, and Recordset objects. For a listing of all ADO dynamic properties available for Indexing Service, see Dynamic ADO Properties. The remainder of this topic uses, as an example, setting the locale.

You can change the locale for a Command object by setting the dynamic ADO property "SQL Content Query Locale String" to the appropriate string. Alternatively, you can set the dynamic ADO property "Locale Identifier" of the Connection object to the appropriate locale identifier (LCID).

The following examples illustrate setting the locale for queries.

  • The following example sets the "SQL Content Query Locale String" property of the Command object AdoCommand to the locale "GE".

    AdoCommand.Properties("SQL Content Query Locale String") = "GE"
  • The following example obtains the default locale from the browser HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE variable and uses it to set the locale.

    strLocale = Request.ServerVariable("HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE")
    AdoCommand.Properties("SQL Content Query Locale String") = strLocale 
  • The following example sets the "Locale Identifier" property of the Connection object AdoConnection to the US-English locale.

    AdoConnection.Properties("Locale Identifier") = 1033 'EN-US locale code


The Locale property that you set, in either a Connection or Command object, does not affect the displayed error messages. The displayed error messages are based on the default locale specified in the user profile. The Locale property that you set is passed to Indexing Service, which uses it for searching.