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SET Statement


Indexing Service is no longer supported as of Windows XP and is unavailable for use as of Windows 8. Instead, use Windows Search for client side search and Microsoft Search Server Express for server side search.


The SET statement maps column names to property IDs and GUIDs (SET PROPERTYNAME) or selects a ranking method for content searches (SET RANKMETHOD) for the duration of a session with Indexing Service.

SET Set_Property_Name_Clause | Set_Rank_Method_Clause



Specifies an association of a property set with a friendly name (column alias) and a data type. For details about this parameter, see SET PROPERTYNAME.


Sets the ranking method to use when issuing Weighted Match (ISABOUT) queries. For details about this parameter, see SET RANKMETHOD.


You typically use a series of SET statements to define your friendly names for columns and the ranking method, prior to executing subsequent SELECT statements.

The assigning of aliases done with SET is similar to that in the [Names] section of the Indexing Service Internet Data Query (.idq) files, where you can define "friendly" column names for use in queries.

Batched Statements