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Querying a Site in a Different Locale


Indexing Service is no longer supported as of Windows XP and is unavailable for use as of Windows 8. Instead, use Windows Search for client side search and Microsoft Search Server Express for server side search.


When querying a site for documents in different languages, you can send a CiCodepage variable in the URL to override the codepage character setting on the server and in the HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE variable in your browser. For example, suppose a client by the name of Yukio from Japan wants to query a site in the United States that contains documents in American English. Yukio wants a list of all documents containing the word cache. By appending the CiCodepage variable to his query, he can override the HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE setting in his browser, making sure the query results will be returned in English.

In the following example, Yukio is querying a server called Example, located at example.microsoft.com, and a virtual directory called Software.


In the search form, Yukio then types:
