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IXSSO Errors


Indexing Service is no longer supported as of Windows XP and is unavailable for use as of Windows 8. Instead, use Windows Search for client side search and Microsoft Search Server Express for server side search.


The IXSSO component normally produces a page containing errors encountered when executing Active Server Pages (.asp) queries. This page can point you to the problem that caused the error by using the Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Editing (VBScript) OnError statement and the standard VBScript Err object.

The following error messages are generated by the IXSSO component:

Message Explanation
The catalog directory cannot be found in the location specified by the Catalog property. The catalog location specified by the Catalog property did not contain a valid Content Index catalog.
The CiFlags property had improper syntax. Expecting 'Shallow' or 'Deep'. The depth of the AddScopeToQuery method has a value other than SHALLOW or DEEP.
Expecting comma. A reserved token or end-of-string occurred before the closing brace of a vector property. Example: @VectorString = {A1, B@}.
Duplicate column, possibly by a column alias, found in the Columns property. The same column was named more than once in the CiColumns variable line. It may have been mentioned with different friendly names that refer to the same column.
Invalid column name found in the Columns property. A value specified in the Columns property is not a standard property and was not defined by the DefineColumn method.
An invalid locale identifier (LCID) was specified for the LocaleID property or the browser's Accept-Language header. The LCID specified by the LocaleID property was not recognized as a valid locale ID.
No output columns were set. The Columns property is empty. At least one output column must be specified for the query.
The property cannot be set while a query is active. You cannot change the value of a property while a query is being executed. Use the Reset method to reset the state of the query object before you set the property.
The Query property was not set. The Query property is missing or empty. Every query must have a restriction. A restriction such as #vpath *.* will match all pages.
A reserved tag was used in a query string. In the SetQueryFromURL method, a parameter name was given that is reserved for future use.
A query is not being executed. A query-status property was referenced when there was no active query.


.Idq File Errors

Query Syntax Errors