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File System Samples


Indexing Service is no longer supported as of Windows XP and is unavailable for use as of Windows 8. Instead, use Windows Search for client side search and Microsoft Search Server Express for server side search.


The file system samples illustrate application programming and script writing using the OLE DB Provider for Indexing Service API, OLE DB Helper API, Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) API, Admin Helper API, and Query Helper API. The following samples are included in the Platform SDK.

  • AdvQuery Sample. A complex example of querying using the OLE DB Provider API.
  • ChgState Sample. An example of managing the status of Indexing Service using the OLE DB Helper API.
  • Simple Sample. A simple example of querying using the OLE DB Helper API.
  • SQuery Sample. A set of three scripts that are examples of managing and querying using the Helper APIs.
  • VBAdmin Sample. An example of managing Indexing Service using the Admin Helper API.
  • VBQuery Sample. An example of querying using the ADO and Query Helper APIs and the Indexing Service query languages.
  • VJQuery Sample. An example of querying using the ADO API and SQL.

The section on Web server samples contains additional samples of scripting that are web server-oriented.