다음을 통해 공유

Connection Object Dynamic Properties


Indexing Service is no longer supported as of Windows XP and is unavailable for use as of Windows 8. Instead, use Windows Search for client side search and Microsoft Search Server Express for server side search.


The following table includes dynamic properties for use with the ADO Connection object.

Property Names Value Read/Write Defined By
Data Source system RW OLE DB
Locale Identifier 1033 RW OLE DB
Location . RW OLE DB
Active Sessions 0 RO OLE DB
Pass By Ref Accessors False RO OLE DB
Column Definition 0 RO OLE DB
Read-Only Data Source True RO OLE DB
DBMS Name Indexing Service RO OLE DB
DBMS Version 03.00.0000 RO OLE DB
Data Source Object Threading Model 1 RO OLE DB
Heterogeneous Table Support 0 RO OLE DB
Maximum Open Chapters 0 RO OLE DB
Maximum Row Size 0 RO OLE DB
Maximum Tables in SELECT 1 RO OLE DB
Multiple Parameter Sets False RO OLE DB
Multiple Results 0 RO OLE DB
Multiple Storage Objects False RO OLE DB
NULL Collation Order 4 RO OLE DB
OLE Object Support 0 RO OLE DB
ORDER BY Columns in Select List False RO OLE DB
Output Parameter Availability 1 RO OLE DB
Persistent ID Type 2 RO OLE DB
Provider Name Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Indexing Service RO OLE DB
OLE DB Version 02.00 RO OLE DB
Provider Version x.xx.xxxx RO OLE DB
Rowset Conversions on Command True RO OLE DB
SQL Support 1 RO OLE DB
Structured Storage 0 RO OLE DB
Subquery Support 0 RO OLE DB
Transaction DDL 0 RO OLE DB
Isolation Levels 256 RO OLE DB
Isolation Retention 0 RO OLE DB
Current Catalog system RW OLE DB