다음을 통해 공유

Command Object Dynamic Properties


Indexing Service is no longer supported as of Windows XP and is unavailable for use as of Windows 8. Instead, use Windows Search for client side search and Microsoft Search Server Express for server side search.


The following table includes dynamic properties for use with the ADO Command object.

Property Names Value Read/Write Defined By
Blocking Storage Objects False RO OLE DB
Include Bookmark Data False RW OLE DB
Skip Deleted Bookmarks False RO OLE DB
Bookmark Type 1 RO OLE DB
Fetch Backwards False RO OLE DB
Hold Rows False RW OLE DB
Scroll Backwards False RO OLE DB
Column Privileges False RO OLE DB
Command Time Out 30 RW OLE DB
Literal Bookmarks False RO OLE DB
Literal Row Identity False RO OLE DB
Maximum Open Rows 0 RO OLE DB
Maximum Rows 0 RO OLE DB
Memory Usage 0 RW OLE DB
Bookmarks Ordered False RO OLE DB
Others' Inserts Visible False RO OLE DB
Others' Changes Visible False RO OLE DB
Quick Restart False RO OLE DB
Reentrant Events False RO OLE DB
Remove Deleted Rows True RO OLE DB
Row Privileges True RO OLE DB
Row Threading Model 1 RO OLE DB
Server Cursor True RO OLE DB
Strong Row Identity False RO OLE DB
Updatability 0 RO OLE DB
IAccessor True RO OLE DB
IcolumnsInfo True RO OLE DB
IConnectionPointContainer False RO OLE DB
IconvertType True RO OLE DB
Irowset True RO OLE DB
IrowsetIdentity False RO OLE DB
IrowsetInfo True RO OLE DB
Bookmarkable False RW OLE DB
IrowsetScroll False RW OLE DB
ISupportErrorInfo True RO OLE DB
Always use Content Index False RW Specific to OLE DB Provider for Indexing Service
Defer scope and security testing False RW Specific to OLE DB Provider for Indexing Service
Return PROPVARIANT structures in variant binding False RW Specific to OLE DB Provider for Indexing Service
SQL Content Query Locale String EN RW Specific to OLE DB Provider for Indexing Service
Query Restriction "" RW Specific to OLE DB Provider for Indexing Service