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IDirectInputEffect Interface

Applications use the methods of the IDirectInputEffect interface to manage effects of force-feedback devices.

IDirectInputEffect Members

Method Description
IDirectInputEffect::Download Places the effect on the device.
IDirectInputEffect::Escape Sends a hardware-specific command to the driver.
IDirectInputEffect::GetEffectGuid Retrieves the globally unique identifier (GUID) for the effect represented by the IDirectInputEffect Interface object.
IDirectInputEffect::GetEffectStatus Retrieves the status of an effect.
IDirectInputEffect::GetParameters Retrieves information about an effect.
IDirectInputEffect::Initialize Initializes a DirectInputEffect object.
IDirectInputEffect::SetParameters Sets the characteristics of an effect.
IDirectInputEffect::Start Begins playing an effect.
IDirectInputEffect::Stop Stops playing an effect.
IDirectInputEffect::Unload Removes the effect from the device.


The interface is obtained by using the IDirectInputDevice8::CreateEffect method.

The LPDIRECTINPUTEFFECT type is defined as a pointer to the IDirectInputEffect interface:

typedef struct IDirectInputEffect    *LPDIRECTINPUTEFFECT;