다음을 통해 공유

IDirectInputDevice8::WriteEffectToFile Method

Saves information about one or more force-feedback effects to a file that can be read by using IDirectInputDevice8::EnumEffectsInFile. This method is chiefly of interest to those wanting to write their own force-authoring applications.


HRESULT WriteEffectToFile(
         LPCSTR lpszFileName,
         DWORD dwEntries,
         LPCDIFILEEFFECT rgDiFileEft,
         DWORD dwFlags


  • lpszFileName
    Name of the RIFF file.
  • dwEntries
    Number of structures in the rgDiFileEft array.
  • rgDiFileEft
    Array of DIFILEEFFECT structures.
  • dwFlags
    Flags which control how the effect should be written. This can be DIFEF_DEFAULT (= 0) or the following value:
      Includes effects that are not defined by DirectInput. If this flag is not specified, only effects with GUIDs defined in Dinput.h, such as GUID_ConstantForce, are written.

Return Value

If the method succeeds, it returns DI_OK. If it fails, the return value can be DIERR_INVALIDPARAM.


Header: Declared in dinput.h.

See Also
