다음을 통해 공유

Exporting Active Directory Objects

This example uses DSDE to export employee data to a file from the fabrikam.com Active Directory.

The following example runs from a command line. To open a command prompt window, click Start on the taskbar and then click Command Prompt.

C:\Documents and Settings\MyUserName> cd \program files\microsoft\dsde
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\DSDE> dsde /mode export 
                                      /baseDN CN=Users,DC=fabrikam,DC=com 
                                      /scope oneLevel 
                                      /protocol LDAP 
                                      /output employees.xml 
                                      /attributes name,sn,givenName,title,telephoneNumber,objectClass


For clarity, the command line is shown divided into several lines. Normally, it will be entered all on one line.


The command line options used in this example perform the following functions:

  • The /mode export option causes DSDE to operate in export mode. This retrieves objects from the directory.
  • The /baseDN option specifies where the search base begins when retrieving directory objects. Because this example did not specify a search filter with the /query option, the search defaults to all objects: (objectClass=*).
  • The /scope option specifies the scope search. It could be base, oneLevel, or subTree.
  • The /protocol option specifies the protocol that DSDE uses to communicate with the server. LDAP is used in this example.
  • The /output option specifies the file name to be created as an output file. DSDE uses DSML V2 format for the output file.
  • The /attributes option specifies the attributes to be retrieved. If none are specified, DSDE retrieves all attributes.

For an example that uses alternate credentials, see Using Alternate Credentials.

The following is a partial listing of the resulting employees.xml output file:

<batchResponse xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" 
    <searchResultEntry dn="CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=fabrikam,DC=com">
      <attr name="objectClass">
      <attr name="name">
    <searchResultEntry dn="CN=Jeff Smith,CN=Users,DC=fabrikam,DC=com">
      <attr name="objectClass">
      <attr name="sn">
      <attr name="title">
      <attr name="telephoneNumber">
        <value>(999) 999-9999</value>
      <attr name="givenName">
      <attr name="name">
        <value>Jeff Smith</value>
      <resultCode code="0" descr="success"/>