다음을 통해 공유

Device.DrawRectanglePatch Method ()

Draws a rectangular patch using the currently set streams.

Overload List

public void DrawRectanglePatch(int, Plane);
public void DrawRectanglePatch(int, Plane, RectanglePatchInformation);
public void DrawRectanglePatch(int, Plane, RectanglePatchInformation);
public void DrawRectanglePatch(int, float[]);
public void DrawRectanglePatch(int, float[], RectanglePatchInformation);
public void DrawRectanglePatch(int, float[], RectanglePatchInformation);


For static patches, set the vertex shader and the appropriate streams, supply patch information in the param_RectanglePatchInformationR_rectPatchInformation parameter, and specify a handle so that Microsoft Direct3D can capture and cache information. To efficiently draw the patch, call Device.DrawRectanglePatch subsequently without the param_RectanglePatchInformationR_rectPatchInformation parameter. When drawing a cached patch, the currently set streams are ignored. Override the cached param_SingleA_numSegs by specifying a new value for param_SingleA_numSegs. When rendering a cached patch, set the same vertex shader that was set when it was captured.

Calling Device.DrawRectanglePatch with a handle invalidates the same handle cached by a previous Device.DrawTrianglePatch call.

For dynamic patches, the patch data changes for every rendering of the patch, so it is not efficient to cache information. The application can convey this to Direct3D by setting handle to 0. In this case, Direct3D draws the patch using the currently set streams and the param_SingleA_numSegs values, and does not cache any information. It is not valid to simultaneously set param_Int32_handle to 0 and param_RectanglePatchInformationR_rectPatchInformation to null.


ArgumentExceptionLeave Site

The numSegs parameter must be an array of four segments.


The method call is invalid. For example, a method's parameter might contain an invalid value.

See Also