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Caps Structure (Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D)

Represents the capabilities of the hardware exposed through the Microsoft Direct3D object.


Visual Basic Public Structure Caps
C# public struct Caps 
C++ public value class Caps sealed 
JScript In JScript, you can use structures, but you cannot define your own.

Members Table

The following table lists the members exposed by the object.


Method Description
Caps Creates a new instance of the Caps structure.
ToString Obtains a string representation of the current instance.


Property Description
AdapterOrdinal Retrieves a number that represents the ordinal of the adapter on which the Device was created.
AdapterOrdinalInGroup Retrieves a number that indicates the order in which heads are referenced by the application programming object.
AlphaCompareCaps Retrieves an object that contains all alpha-test comparison capabilities.
CubeTextureFilterCaps Retrieves texture-filtering capabilities for a CubeTexture object.
CursorCaps Retrieves an object that indicates the available hardware support for cursors.
DeclTypes Retrieves an object that describes the vertex data types a device supports.
DestinationBlendCaps Retrieves an object that indicates a device's destination blending capabilities.
DeviceCaps Retrieves an object that identifies a device's capabilities.
DeviceType Retrieves an object that identifies the type of resources used for processing vertices.
DriverCaps Retrieves an object that identifies driver-specific capabilities.
ExtentsAdjust Retrieves a value that indicates the number of pixels to adjust the extents rectangle outward to accommodate antialiasing kernels.
GuardBandBottom Retrieves a value that indicates the screen-space coordinate of the bottom guard band clipping region.
GuardBandLeft Retrieves a value that indicates the screen-space coordinate of the left guard band clipping region.
GuardBandRight Retrieves a value that indicates the screen-space coordinate of the right guard band clipping region.
GuardBandTop Retrieves a value that indicates the screen-space coordinate of the top guard band clipping region.
LineCaps Retrieves an object that defines the capabilities for line-drawing primitives.
MasterAdapterOrdinal Retrieves a value that indicates which device is the master for the current subordinate.
MaxActiveLights Retrieves the maximum number of lights that can be active simultaneously.
MaxAnisotropy Retrieves a value that indicates the maximum valid value for anisotropic filtering.
MaxNPatchTessellationLevel Retrieves a value that indicates the maximum number of N-patch subdivision levels.
MaxPixelShader30InstructionSlots Retrieves a value that indicates the maximum number of vertex shader instruction slots supported.
MaxPointSize Retrieves the maximum size of a point primitive.
MaxPrimitiveCount Retrieves the maximum number of primitives for each Device.DrawPrimitives call.
MaxSimultaneousTextures Retrieves the maximum number of textures that can simultaneously be bound to the texture-blending stages.
MaxStreams Indicates the maximum number of concurrent data streams for Device.SetStreamSource.
MaxStreamStride Retrieves the maximum stride for Device.SetStreamSource.
MaxTextureAspectRatio Retrieves the maximum texture aspect ratio supported by the hardware.
MaxTextureBlendStages Retrieves the maximum number of texture-blending stages supported.
MaxTextureHeight Retrieves the maximum texture height for the current device.
MaxTextureRepeat Retrieves the maximum range of the integer bits for post-normalized texture coordinates.
MaxTextureWidth Retrieves the maximum texture width for the current device.
MaxUserClipPlanes Retrieves the maximum number of user-defined clipping planes supported.
MaxVertexBlendMatrices Retrieves the maximum number of matrices that the current device can apply when performing multimatrix vertex blending.
MaxVertexBlendMatrixIndex Retrieves the maximum matrix index that can be indexed into using pre-vertex indices.
MaxVertexIndex Retrieves the maximum size of indices supported for hardware vertex processing.
MaxVertexShader30InstructionSlots Retrieves the maximum number of vertex shader instruction slots supported.
MaxVertexShaderConst Retrieves the number of vertex shader registers that are reserved for constants.
MaxVertexW Retrieves the maximum w-based depth value that a device supports.
MaxVolumeExtent Retrieves the maximum value for any of the three dimensions (width, height, and depth) of a volume texture.
NumberOfAdaptersInGroup Retrieves the number of adapters in the current adapter group.
NumberSimultaneousRts Retrieves the number of simultaneous render targets.
PixelShader1xMaxValue Retrieves the maximum value of a pixel shader arithmetic component.
PixelShaderCaps Retrieves a structure that contains the supported pixel shader capabilities.
PixelShaderVersion Retrieves an object that reports the main and subordinate pixel shader versions.
PresentationIntervals Retrieves a set of values that represent the available presentation swap intervals.
PrimitiveMiscCaps Retrieves miscellaneous driver primitive capabilities.
RasterCaps Retrieves information about raster drawing capabilities.
ShadeCaps Retrieves shading operation capabilities.
SourceBlendCaps Retrieves the source-blending capabilities.
StencilCaps Retrieves an object that indicates the supported stencil buffer operations.
StretchRectangleFilterCaps Retrieves a structure that describes the operations supported by StretchRectangle.
TextureAddressCaps Retrieves a structure that contains texture-addressing capabilities for Texture objects.
TextureCaps Retrieves a structure that contains miscellaneous texture-mapping capabilities.
TextureFilterCaps Retrieves a structure that contains texture-filtering capabilities for Texture objects.
TextureOperationCaps Retrieves a structure that describes supported texture operations.
VertexFormatCaps Retrieves a structure that describes supported vertex format capabilities.
VertexProcessingCaps Retrieves a structure that contains supported vertex processing capabilities.
VertexShaderCaps Retrieves a structure that contains supported vertex shader capabilities.
VertexShaderVersion Retrieves a structure that indicates the main and subordinate vertex shader versions supported by a device.
VertexTextureFilterCaps Retrieves a structure that indicates which types of vertex shader texture filters are supported.
VolumeTextureAddressCaps Retrieves a structure that indicates the supported texture-addressing capabilities for VolumeTexture objects.
VolumeTextureFilterCaps Retrieves a structure that indicates the texture-filtering capabilities of VolumeTexture objects.
ZCompareCaps Retrieves a structure that contains the supported z-buffer comparison capabilities.


The MaxTextureBlendStages and MaxSimultaneousTextures members might seem similar, but they contain different information. The MaxTextureBlendStages member contains the total number of texture-blending stages supported by the current device, while the MaxSimultaneousTextures member describes how many of those stages can have textures bound to them by using the Device.SetTexture method.

Performance problems can occur if a texture is used and then modified during a scene. Ensure that no texture used in the current Device.BeginScene ... Device.EndScene block is evicted unless absolutely necessary. In the case of extremely high texture usage within a scene, the results are undefined. This occurs when a texture used in the scene is modified and no spare texture memory is available. For such systems, the contents of the z-buffer become invalid at Device.EndScene. Applications should not call Device.UpdateSurface to or from the back buffer on this type of hardware inside a BeginScene ... EndScene pair. In addition, applications should not try to access the z-buffer if the Caps.RasterCaps.SupportsZBufferLessHsr capability flag is set to true. Finally, applications should not lock the back buffer or the z-buffer inside a BeginScene ... EndScene pair.

Structure Information

Namespace Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D
Assembly Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D (microsoft.directx.direct3d.dll)
Strong Name Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D,  Version=1.0.900.0,  Culture=neutral,  PublicKeyToken=d3231b57b74a1492

See Also