다음을 통해 공유

Adding User Classes

To extend the AD LDS schema to include object class definitions for four additional user classes (inetOrgPerson, User, Organizational-Person, and Person) use the definitions for these object classes in the MS-*.ldf files.

The MS-*.ldf files are LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) files. The MS-InetOrgPerson.ldf file contains the definitions for all user classes. The MS-User.ldf file contains the definitions for all user classes excluding the inetOrgPerson class. The MS-UserProxy.ldf file contains the definitions for the UserProxy class only. The AD LDS installation process installs these LDIF files in the folder that contains the AD LDS program files.

Use the following command to run the LDIFDE utility to load one of the LDIF files.

ADAMPath**\ldifde.exe -i -f** ADAMPath**\MSFile -s servername:Port [-b** Username Domain Password] -k -j . -c "CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=X" #schemaNamingContext

In the preceding command:

  • ADAMPath is the installation path of AD LDS program files: %windir%\AD LDS.
  • MSFile is the name of the LDIF file to load.
  • servername is the name of the computer with the AD LDS installation. Use localhost if the AD LDS installation is on a local computer.
  • Port is the LDAPport of the AD LDS instance. The default is 389.
  • Username is the user name for the account to use to authenticate.
  • Domain is the domain of the authentication user.
  • Password is the password of the authentication user.

The command uses the credentials of the currently logged on user if you do not specify the -b option and its parameters.

For more information about extending the Active Directory schema using the LDIFDE utility, see LDIF Scripts.

After extending the schema with the following code example, create inetOrgPerson objects by Creating inetOrgPerson Objects.

The following Visual Basic Scripting Edition code example creates a command line to run the ldifde.exe application to load the MS-InetOrgPerson.ldf file that is installed with AD LDS.

' Extend Schema with AD LDS User Classes.

' Use ldifde.exe to load MS-*.ldf to an AD LDS instance
' while verifying the file signature with AdamSchema.cat.
' Creates a log file ldif.log in the script directory.

Option Explicit

Const conWindowStyle  =    1
Const conWaitOnReturn = True

Dim objShell        ' Command shell object.
Dim strADAMPath     ' Path to AD LDS installation.
Dim strCommandLine  ' Extend command line.
Dim strFileName     ' LDIF file to load.
Dim strServerPort   ' AD LDS Installation and port.

' Specify LDIF file name.
'  MS-InetOrgPerson.ldf for all user classes
'  including inetOrgPerson, but without UserProxy.
'  MS-User.ldf for user classes
'  without inetOrgPerson and UserProxy.
'  MS-UserProxy.ldf for UserProxy class only.
strFileName = "MS-InetOrgPerson.ldf"

' Construct the binding string.
' The binding string used assumes the following:
'   The AD LDS installation is on a local computer
'   The port used is the default port 389.
' Modify the binding string as appropriate.
strServerPort = "localhost:389"

' Specify the path for the AD LDS installation.
strADAMPath  = "!windir!\AD LDS\"

' Construct the command.
strCommandLine = _
"cmd /v:on /k """"" & strADAMPath   & "ldifde.exe" & """ -i" & _
           " -f """ & strADAMPath   & strFileName & _
           """ -s " & strServerPort & " -k -j ." & _
           " -c ""CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=X""" & _
           " #schemaNamingContext"""

WScript.Echo "Execute:" & vbNewLine & strCommandLine

Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

objShell.Run strCommandLine, conWindowStyle, conWaitOnReturn

The following Visual Basic .NET code example creates a command line to run the ldifde.exe application to load the MS-InetOrgPerson.ldf file that is installed with AD LDS.

Imports System
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.DirectoryServices

Namespace ADAM_Examples

    Class ExtendSchemaADAMUser

        '/ <summary>
        '/ Extend Schema with AD LDS User Classes.
        '/ </summary>

        <STAThread()>  Shared Sub Main()

            ' Use ldifde.exe to load MS-*.ldf to an AD LDS instance
            ' while verifying the file signature with AdamSchema.cat.
            ' Creates a log file ldif.log in the script directory.

            Dim strADAMPath As String     ' Path to AD LDS installation.
            Dim strCommandLine As String  ' Extend command line.
            Dim strFileName As String     ' LDIF file to load.
            Dim strServerPort As String   ' AD LDS Installation and port.

            ' Specify LDIF file name.
            ' MS-InetOrgPerson.ldf for all user classes
            ' including inetOrgPerson, but without UserProxy.
            ' MS-User.ldf for user classes
            ' without inetOrgPerson and UserProxy.
            ' MS-UserProxy.ldf for UserProxy class only.
            strFileName = "MS-InetOrgPerson.ldf"

            ' Construct the binding string.
            ' The binding string used assumes the following:
            '   The AD LDS installation is on a local computer.
            '   The port used is the default port 389.
            ' Modify the binding string as appropriate.
            strServerPort = "localhost:389"

            ' Specify path for AD LDS installation.
            strADAMPath = "!windir!\AD LDS\"

            ' Construct the command.
            strCommandLine = String.Concat( _
                "/v:on /k """"", strADAMPath, "ldifde.exe"" -i", _
                " -f """, strADAMPath, strFileName, """", " -s ", _
                strServerPort, " -k -j .", _
                " -c ""CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=X""", _
                " #schemaNamingContext""")

            Console.WriteLine("Execute:  \n{0}", strCommandLine)

            ' Execute the command.
                Process.Start("cmd.exe", strCommandLine)
            Catch e As Exception
                Console.WriteLine("Error:   Extending schema failed.")
                Console.WriteLine("         {0}", e.Message)
            End Try

            Console.WriteLine("Success: Extending schema completed.")

        End Sub 'Main
    End Class 'ExtendSchemaADAMUser
End Namespace 'ADAM_Examples

The following C# code example creates a command line to run the ldifde.exe application to load the MS-InetOrgPerson.ldf file that is installed with AD LDS.

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.DirectoryServices;

namespace ADAM_Examples
    class ExtendSchemaADAMUser
        /// <summary>
        /// Extend Schema with AD LDS User Classes.
        /// </summary>
        static void Main()
            // Use ldifde.exe to load MS-*.ldf to an AD LDS instance
            // while verifying the file signature with AdamSchema.cat.
            // Creates a log file ldif.log in the script directory.

            string strADAMPath;     // Path to AD LDS installation.
            string strCommandLine;  // Extend command line.
            string strFileName;     // LDIF file to load.
            string strServerPort;   // AD LDS Installation and port.

            // Specify LDIF file name.
            // MS-InetOrgPerson.ldf for all user classes
            // including inetOrgPerson, but without UserProxy.
            // MS-User.ldf for user classes
            // without inetOrgPerson and UserProxy.
            // MS-UserProxy.ldf for UserProxy class only.
            strFileName = "MS-InetOrgPerson.ldf";

            // Construct the binding string.
            // The binding string used assumes the following:
            //   The AD LDS installation is on a local computer.
            //   The port used is the default port 389.
            // Modify the binding string as appropriate.
            strServerPort = "localhost:389";

            // Specify the path for the AD LDS installation.
            strADAMPath  = "!windir!\\AD LDS\\";

            // Construct the command.
            strCommandLine = String.Concat(
                "/v:on /k \"\"", strADAMPath, "ldifde.exe\" -i",
                " -f \"", strADAMPath, strFileName, "\"",
                " -s ", strServerPort, " -k -j .",
                " -c \"CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=X\"",
                " #schemaNamingContext\"");

            Console.WriteLine("Execute:\n{0}", strCommandLine);

            // Execute the command.
                Process.Start("cmd.exe", strCommandLine);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Error:   Extending schema failed.");
                Console.WriteLine("         {0}", e.Message);

            Console.WriteLine("Success: Extending schema completed.");