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RemoteDesktopClient.OnNetworkStatusChanged event

[OnNetworkStatusChanged is no longer available for use as of Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview.]

Called when the network status has changed. This will be due to a change in bandwidth or roundtrip time.


function handler(qualityLevel, bandwidth, rtt) { /* Your code */ }
// attachEvent syntax
remoteDesktopClient.attachEvent("onnetworkstatuschanged", handler);
remoteDesktopClient.detachEvent("onnetworkstatuschanged", handler);

Event handler parameters

  • qualityLevel [in]
    Type: Number

    Specifies the new quality level of the connection. The quality level is determined from the bandwidth and roundtrip time values. This will be one of the following values.

    • 0
      The quality level could not be determined.

    • 1
      The connection quality is poor (one bar).

    • 2
      The connection quality is fair (two bars).

    • 3
      The connection quality is good (three bars).

    • 4
      The connection quality is excellent (four bars).

  • bandwidth [in]
    Type: Number

    Specifies the new connection bandwidth, in kilobits per second (Kbps).

  • rtt [in]
    Type: Number

    Specifies the new connection roundtrip time (latency), in milliseconds.


Minimum supported client

Windows 8 [Windows Store apps only]

Minimum supported server

Windows Server 2012 [Windows Store apps only]

End of client support

Windows 8.1

End of server support

Windows Server 2012 R2

See also
