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PlayReady for Network Device Receivers

The PlayReady Network Device (PlayReady-ND) system enables the secure distribution of multimedia content between network devices on a home network and enforces rules based on licenses that the transmitting device provides. PlayReady supports enforcing policies such as live in-stream license updates and expiration dates.

This section describes fundamental concepts and typical scenarios for the use of PlayReady-ND.

Topic Description

When to Use PlayReady for Network Device Receivers

Describes the differences between PlayReady-ND and PlayReady technologies for other environments.

Network Device Receiver Scenarios

Real-world examples of how to use PlayReady for network device recievers.

PlayReady-ND Output Protection Levels

Describes the protection levels associated with PlayReady-ND receivers.

Overview of PlayReady for Network Device Receivers

Provides a brief overview of PlayReady-ND features that can be used between transmitters and receivers on a home network.

Sample: PlayReady-ND Sample App

Describes the PlayReady-ND sample app provided with PlayReady Client SDK for Windows Store Apps and the PlayReady-ND features that it illustrates.
Using the PlayReady Device Porting Kit Test Transmitter Describes how to set up and use the PlayReady Device Porting Kit Test Transmitter to test the PlayReady-ND features on your app.