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PlayReady Windows Store App Examples

You can download a pair of PlayReady samples for Windows 8.1 Store apps in both C# and Javascript. These samples expand on the capabilities of the C# and JavaScript simple PlayReady protected Windows Store app samples provided in the walkthroughs in this section. You can download these samples from the following location:


These samples illustrate how to utilize PlayReady for playing protected content by demonstrating these concepts:

  • WMV—A Simple PlayReady protected file demonstrating reactive license acquistion.
  • ISM—A PlayReady protected Smooth Streaming sample.
  • Domain join and domain leave—An example showing sample code that joins and leaves a PlayReady domain.
  • Proactive license acquisition—A code sample showing how to perform proactive license acquisition.

When you first start the samples from this location, you may get a warning that states "Could not find SDK Microsoft.Media.PlayReadyClient, Version=X.X.XXXX.X". If this occurs, it is because the Microsoft PlayReady Client SDK extension you downloaded was a newer verion. To update the extension in Visual Studio:

  1. In Solution Explorer, click on the arrow next to the solution.
  2. Click References.
  3. Right-click Microsoft PlayReady Client SDK and choose Remove.
  4. From the Visual Studio menu, click the Project tab and choose Add Reference.
  5. In the Reference Manager dialog, click the Windows tab and choose Extensions.
  6. Choose the check box next to Microsoft PlayReady Client SDK.
  7. Click OK.

The current version of the Microsoft PlayReady Client SDK extension now appears in the References section and the warning should disappear.

This section provides walkthroughs that demonstrate how to build a PlayReady proctected Windows Store app. The walkthroughs provided here include:

  • A simple PlayReady protected Windows Store app written in C#.
  • A simple PlayReady protected Windows Store app written in JavaScript.
  • A PlayReady protected Smooth Streaming Windows Store app.

The following table lists the sample topics included in this section.

Topic Description

Walkthrough: Simple C# PlayReady Protected Windows Store App

Demonstrates the use of the PlayReady framework with C#.

Walkthrough: Simple JavaScript PlayReady Protected Windows Store App

Demonstrates the use of the PlayReady framework with JavaScript.

Walkthrough: PlayReady Protected Smooth Streaming Windows Store App

Demonstrates how to create a Smooth Streaming Windows Store app project that utilizes PlayReady protection.