다음을 통해 공유


A protected function that stores _Gbeg in the beginning pointer, _Gnext in the next pointer, and _Gend in the end pointer for the input buffer.

void setg( 
   char_type *_Gbeg, 
   char_type *_Gnext, 
   char_type *_Gend 

매개 변수

  • _Gbeg
    A pointer to the beginning of the buffer.

  • _Gnext
    A pointer to somewhere in the middle of the buffer.

  • _Gend
    A pointer to the end of the buffer.

요구 사항

Header: <streambuf>

네임스페이스: std

참고 항목


basic_streambuf 클래스

iostream 프로그래밍

iostreams 규칙