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Copying Resources

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You can copy resources exactly or copy them from a template (see Using Resource Templates).

What do you want to do?

Copy an existing resource exactly

Copy resources from one file to another

To copy an existing resource exactly

  1. Select the resource you want to copy.

  2. From the Edit menu, choose Copy and then Paste.

The easiest way to copy resources from either an existing resource or an executable file to your current resource file is to have both .rc or .rct files open at the same time. Then use the drag-and-drop method to move items from one file to another.

Note   Visual C++ includes sample resource files that you can use in your own application. For more information, see .

To copy resources from one file to another

  1. Open both files. Make sure both resource files are visible at the same time.

  2. In the source file, select the resource you want to copy.

  3. Hold down the CTRL key and drag the resource to the target file.

    Dragging the resource without holding down the CTRL key moves the resource rather than copying it.

Note   To avoid conflicts with symbol names or values in the existing file, Visual C++ may change the transferred resource’s symbol value, or symbol name and value, when you copy it to the new file.