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Building Multiple Project Configurations

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Any project workspace can have more than one project configuration. Instead of selecting each project configuration in turn and building it as the active configuration using the Buildproject command on the Build menu, you can select multiple project configurations and build them all.

What do you want to do?

Build multiple project configurations

Stop building multiple projects

To build multiple project configurations

  1. On the Build menu, click Batch Build.

  2. If you don't want to build certain project configurations, clear the check boxes in the Project Configurations list.

  3. Click Build to build only those intermediate files of each project configuration that are out of date, or the Rebuild All button to build all intermediate files for each project configuration.

Note   The results for each project configuration are separated in the Output window by a line containing the name of the project configuration being built.

To stop building multiple projects

  • On the Build menu, click Stop Build.

Visual C++ stops the currently executing rule if possible; otherwise, it stops the build as soon as the currently executing rule finishes. The build of the project configuration currently in progress ends. A message box appears, asking if you wish to continue building the remaining project configurations. If you click Yes, then the batch build continues from the next configuration in the list. If you click No, then the entire batch build is stopped.