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CTimeSpan Class Members


CTimeSpan Constructs CTimeSpan objects in various ways.


GetDays Returns the number of complete days in this CTimeSpan.
GetHours Returns the number of hours in the current day (–23 through 23).
GetTotalHours Returns the total number of complete hours in this CTimeSpan.
GetMinutes Returns the number of minutes in the current hour (–59 through 59).
GetTotalMinutes Returns the total number of complete minutes in this CTimeSpan.
GetSeconds Returns the number of seconds in the current minute (–59 through 59).
GetTotalSeconds Returns the total number of complete seconds in this CTimeSpan.


Format Converts a CTimeSpan into a formatted string.


operator = Assigns new time-span values.
operator + – Adds and subtracts CTimeSpan objects.
operator += –= Adds and subtracts a CTimeSpan object to and from this CTimeSpan.
operator == < etc. Compares two relative time values.


operator << Outputs a CTimeSpan object to CArchive or CDumpContext.
operator >> Inputs a CTimeSpan object from CArchive.

CTimespan OverviewHierarchy Chart