다음을 통해 공유


A CRecordView object is a view that displays database records in controls. The view is a form view directly connected to a CRecordset object. The view is created from a dialog template resource and displays the fields of the CRecordset object in the dialog template’s controls. The CRecordView object uses dialog data exchange (DDX) and record field exchange (RFX) to automate the movement of data between the controls on the form and the fields of the recordset. CRecordView also supplies a default implementation for moving to the first, next, previous, or last record and an interface for updating the record currently on view.

Note   If you are working with the Data Access Objects (DAO) classes rather than the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) classes, use class CDaoRecordView instead. For more information, see the articles and in Visual C++ Programmer’s Guide.

The most common way to create your record view is with AppWizard. AppWizard creates both the record view class and its associated recordset class as part of your skeleton starter application. If you don’t create the record view class with AppWizard, you can create it later with ClassWizard. If you simply need a single form, the AppWizard approach is easier. ClassWizard lets you decide to use a record view later in the development process. Using ClassWizard to create a record view and a recordset separately and then connect them is the most flexible approach because it gives you more control in naming the recordset class and its .H/.CPP files. This approach also lets you have multiple record views on the same recordset class.

To make it easy for end-users to move from record to record in the record view, AppWizard creates menu (and optionally toolbar) resources for moving to the first, next, previous, or last record. If you create a record view class with ClassWizard, you need to create these resources yourself with the menu and bitmap editors. For more information about these resources, see and .

For information about the default implementation for moving from record to record, see IsOnFirstRecord and IsOnLastRecord and the article .

CRecordView keeps track of the user’s position in the recordset so that the record view can update the user interface. When the user moves to either end of the recordset, the record view disables user interface objects — such as menu items or toolbar buttons — for moving further in the same direction.

For more information about declaring and using your record view and recordset classes, see "Designing and Creating a Record View" in the article . For more information about how record views work and how to use them, see the article . All the articles mentioned above are in Visual C++ Programmer’s Guide.

#include <afxdb.h>

Class MembersBase ClassHierarchy Chart


See Also   CRecordset, CFormView