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Standard Custom Resource Templates

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Feature Only in Professional and Enterprise Editions   Creating a Custom AppWizard is supported only in Visual C++ Professional and Enterprise Editions. For more information, see .

The MFC AppWizard uses a standard set of custom resource templates to build the projects it generates. It also copies some subset of these templates to custom AppWizard projects that are based on the standard MFC AppWizard steps. These templates allow custom AppWizards to generate projects just as the standard MFC AppWizard does.

These standard templates provide a common look and feel to applications created from AppWizard projects and include templates from which .H, .CPP, .RC, .CLW, .ODL, and .RC2 files are built. They also include bitmaps of standard user-interface components and templates that simplify generating help files.

Localization of Standard Templates

The standard templates are separated into two main categories: localized and nonlocalized. Localized templates contain strings that have been translated into languages other than English. These strings are stored in the language DLLs, DLLs with names described by APPWZ*.DLL, where * is a language code such as ENU or JPN. The nonlocalized templates are stored in MFCAPWZ.DLL. When a localized template is generated for a custom AppWizard project, the template’s filename will contain an embedded language code. Thus, for a custom AppWizard that supports Japanese, the templates named DLGLOC.RC and ROOT.HPJ will be renamed as DLGLOC_JPN.RC and ROOT_JPN.HPJ. The names of nonlocalized templates remain the same.

AppWizard provides a set of templates that are common to all project types and some that are unique to each major project type. Major project types are dynamic-link library, dialog-based, single document interface (SDI), and multiple document interface (MDI). In addition, AppWizard provides resource templates for help files, as well as database, and ActiveX applications. The following sections provide details about the individual templates:

All AppWizard Projects

Dialog-Based Applications

Dynamic-Link Libraries

MDI and SDI Applications

ActiveX Applications

Help File Support

Custom AppWizard Help File Support

Database Applications