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Standard AppWizard Directives

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Feature Only in Professional and Enterprise Editions   Creating a Custom AppWizard is supported only in Visual C++ Professional and Enterprise Editions. For more information, see .

MFC AppWizard directives, such as $$IF and $$ENDIF, are used to generalize custom resource templates so that the content of the templates can be used for multiple project types. Directives in a template guide the MFCAPWZ.DLL API ProcessTemplate function as it processes a template to produce a project file or the content of the New Project Information dialog box. For example, based on the value of a macro, a sequence of $$IF, $$ELIF, $$ELSE, and $$ENDIF directives can force ProcessTemplate to selectively insert lines of C++ code into a header or an implementation file (.H or .CPP, respectively) used by a project generated by your custom AppWizard.

ProcessTemplate recognizes the following directives:

$$ENDIF $$//

These directives must appear at the beginning of a line with no preceding white space, and, other than any arguments and one optional comment, there can be nothing else on the line.

If you wish the parser to emit “$$” literally (and not to signify that a macro or directive will follow), use “$$$$”. Occurrences of “$$$$” are translated as “$$”.