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Does SQL Debugging Work With Microsoft Transaction Server?

Feature Only in Enterprise Edition   SQL source code debugging is supported only in Visual C++ Enterprise Edition. For more information, see .

You can perform SQL debugging through Microsoft Transaction Server Components. In this case, the component usually calls a stored procedure via ODBC or any other data access methodology. The component needs to be running locally on the debugging machine as an inproc server. If the component is running remotely on a different machine or as a local server, you will be unable to engage the SQL debugging components. You will also not be able to perform SQL debugging if the transaction is started on a different machine as part of the DTC functionality from SQL Server and Microsoft Transaction Server.

To do SQL debugging with Microsoft Transaction Server

  1. Load the client .EXE as the active project workspace in Visual C++. This is the client application that you have created.

  2. Use the Project/Build Settings dialog to add your inproc server DLL as an additional DLL.

  3. Set a breakpoint in each stored procedure that you wish to debug.

  4. Begin debugging.

You should hit the breakpoints in your stored procedures and should be able to debug them normally. If you have problems, check to see if you can debug the stored procedure directly (select the stored procedure and click Start Debug on the Build menu).

Also, make sure that Microsoft Transaction Server is functioning properly. See the Microsoft Transaction Server README for further installation steps.