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OverviewsHow Do IDetails

Feature Only in Professional and Enterprise Editions   Creating a Custom AppWizard is supported only in Visual C++ Professional and Enterprise Editions. For more information, see .

CAppWizStepDlg* GetDialog(AppWizDlgIDnID );

Return Value

A pointer to the standard MFC AppWizard step specified in the nID argument.



The enumerated value of a standard AppWizard step.  See below for a list of the possible values.


CUSTMWZ.AWX generates calls to GetDialog in the CCustomAppWiz::InitCustomAppWiz function of every custom AppWizard that uses one of the two standard sequences of MFC AppWizard steps; one call for each of the standard MFC AppWizard steps that a custom AppWizard needs. The returned pointers are automatically stored by the custom AppWizard and are returned in response to an MFCAPWZ.DLL call to CCustomAppWiz::Next or CCustomAppWiz::Back.

The actual calls to GetDialog and storage of the returned pointers occurs in the constructor of a CUSTMWZ.AWX-generated class named CDialogChooser. The pointers are stored, sequentially, in an order determined by the original order of the standard MFC AppWizard steps. Pointers to any custom steps you specify are automatically added to the end of the sequence of pointers returned by the calls to GetDialog.

You will probably not add your own call to GetDialog or modify the existing calls to GetDialog unless you want to change the default order in which your custom AppWizard presents steps to its users.

The standard MFC AppWizard offers two different sequences of steps to the AppWizard user: AppWizard Executable and AppWizard Dynamic Link Library. Each step in each sequence is represented by an enumerated value, as shown in the following table.

Enumerated Values of Standard AppWizard Steps

Value Description
APWZDLG_APPTYPE Step 1, MFC AppWizard (exe)

Allows the user to choose a type of application (single document (SDI), multiple documents (MDI), or dialog based) and the languages into which their application’s resource strings will be translated.

APWZDLG_DATABASE Step 2, MFC AppWizard (exe)

Allows the user to specify the type of database support for SDI and MDI applications. Possible choices are None, Header files only, Database view without file support, or Database view with file support.


Allows the user to choose standard application features for dialog-based applications (About box, Context-sensitive Help, and 3D controls). Also allows the user to choose Automation, ActiveX Controls or Windows Sockets support and to name the application’s dialog box.

APWZDLG_OLE Step 3, MFC AppWizard (exe)

Allows the user to specify the level of compound document support for SDI and MDI applications (None, Container, Mini-server, Full-server, Both container and server, Active document server). Also allows the user to choose support for compound files and automation and ActiveX controls.


Allows the user to choose standard application features for MDI and SDI applications (Docking toolbar, Initial status bar, Printing and print preview, Context-sensitive Help, and 3D controls). Allows the user to choose MAPI (Messaging API) and Windows Sockets and to specify the number of files remembered in their application’s most recently used list.

Step 3, (dialog-based programs)

Allows the user to choose whether AppWizard generates commented or uncommented MFC code in their project and whether they want their project linked with the static MFC library or the shared MFC DLL. Feature Only in Professional and Enterprise Editions   Static linking to MFC is supported only in Visual C++ Professional and Enterprise Editions. For more information, see .

APWZDLG_CLASSES Step 6, MFC AppWizard (exe)
Step 4, (dialog-based programs)

Allows the user to modify the default class and file names that AppWizard will generate.


Allows the user to choose whether AppWizard generates commented or uncommented MFC code in their project and whether they want their project linked with the static MFC library or the shared MFC DLL. Also allows the user to choose Automation and Windows Sockets support.

See Also   C Functions Exported by MFCAPWZ.DLL, CCustomAppWiz::InitCustomAppWiz, CCustomAppWiz::Next, CCustomAppWiz::Back