다음을 통해 공유

CPrintInfo Class Members

Data Members

m_bDocObject Contains a flag indicating whether the document being printed is a DocObject.
m_dwFlags Specifies DocObject printing operations.
m_nOffsetPage Specifies offset of a particular DocObject's first page in a combined DocObject print job.
m_pPD Contains a pointer to the CPrintDialog object used for the Print dialog box.
m_bDirect Contains a flag indicating whether the document is being printed directly (without displaying the Print dialog box).
m_bPreview Contains a flag indicating whether the document is being previewed.
m_bContinuePrinting Contains a flag indicating whether the framework should continue the print loop.
m_nCurPage Identifies the number of the page currently being printed.
m_nNumPreviewPages Identifies the number of pages displayed in the preview window; either 1 or 2.
m_lpUserData Contains a pointer to a user-created structure.
m_rectDraw Specifies a rectangle defining the current usable page area.
m_strPageDesc Contains a format string for page-number display.


SetMinPage Sets the number of the first page of the document.
SetMaxPage Sets the number of the last page of the document.
GetMinPage Returns the number of the first page of the document.
GetMaxPage Returns the number of the last page of the document.
GetOffsetPage Returns the number of the pages preceding the first page of a DocObject item being printed in a combined DocObject print job.
GetFromPage Returns the number of the first page being printed.
GetToPage Returns the number of the last page being printed.

CPrintInfo OverviewHierarchy Chart