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What Should I Do If the SQL Debug Menu Command Is Disabled?

Feature Only in Enterprise Edition   This feature is supported only in Visual C++ Enterprise Edition. For more information, see .

If the right-button menu item for Debug or Debug Stored Procedure is disabled when you expect it to be enabled, check the following:

  • A data source must be inserted into the project and Data View must be visible.

  • The language in which the stored procedure that you are debugging is written must be T-SQL. To determine the language:

    1. Place the mouse pointer over a stored procedure that is open in an edit window.

    2. Click the right mouse button.

    3. Click Properties.

      The language appears in the Language drop-down list box.

  • SQL Server Debugging must be enabled. To enable SQL debugging, check the SQL Server Debugging check box on the SQL tab of the Options dialog box. The Options dialog box is available from the Tools menu.

  • The remote connection must be set to Local, not to TCP/IP. To set the remote connection, click the Debugger Remote Connection command from the Build menu.

  • The project configuration must be Win32 Debug. To set the current project configuration, click Configurations on the Build menu.

  • The stored procedure must be stored on a SQL Server version 6.5 or later.