다음을 통해 공유





Points to name of document that was being saved or loaded.


Points to the exception that was thrown. May be NULL.


Flag indicating what operation was in progress; nonzero if the document was being saved, 0 if the document was being loaded.


Identifier of the error message to be displayed if the function does not specify a more specific one.


Called if an exception is thrown (typically a CFileException or CArchiveException) while saving or loading the document. The default implementation examines the exception object and looks for an error message that specifically describes the cause. If a specific message is not found or if e is NULL, the general message specified by the nIDPDefault parameter is used. The function then displays a message box containing the error message. Override this function if you want to provide additional, customized failure messages. This is an advanced overridable.

CDocument OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CDocument::OnOpenDocument, CDocument::OnSaveDocument, CFileException, CArchiveException