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StartOfLine Method

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Applies to: TextSelection object

Moves the insertion point to the beginning of a line.


object**.StartOfLine** [moveto][**,**extend]



An expression that evaluates to a TextSelection object.


* *(Optional) A string constant of type DsStartOfLineOptions that represents the place to which the insertion point moves. Possible values are:

  • dsFirstColumn   Moves the insertion point to the first column in the line (the default).

  • dsFirstText   Moves the insertion point to the first text character in the line.


(Optional) A string constant of type DsMovementOptions that specifies what to do with the selection. Possible values are:

  • dsExtend   Extends the selection.This is the same as pressing SHIFT+HOME.

  • dsMove   Does not extend the selection (the default).


The following example moves the insertion point to the beginning of the line and extends the selection:

ActiveDocument.Selection.StartOfLine dsExtend

See Also   EndOfLine method.