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Database Topics (Data-Bound Controls)

Databinding is a mechanism that allows users to work with data retrieved from a database.

Visual C++ provides a reusable databinding mechanism via ActiveX controls in MFC projects that lets you rapidly develop database applications.

What do you want to know more about?

For more information on how to implement databinding in your Visual C++ application:

For more information on OLE DB:

For more information on ODBC:

  • Geiger, Kyle: Inside ODBC (Microsoft Press, 1995)

  • ODBC 3.6 Programmer's Reference in the Platform SDK, Database and Messaging Services, Microsoft Data Access SDK, Microsoft Open Database Connectivity

  • www.microsoft.com/data/odbc

For more information on writing an ActiveX control that uses databinding:

  • ActiveX Control Writer Toolkit in the Platform SDK, Database and Messaging Services, Microsoft Data Access SDK, OLE DB