This API is obsolete. The alternative is unordered_multimap Class.
The member function returns a function object that determines the order of elements in a hash_multimap by comparing their key values.
value_compare value_comp( ) const;
Return Value
Returns the comparison function object that a hash_multimap uses to order its elements.
For a hash_multimap m, if two elements e1(k1*, d1) and e2(k2, d*2) are objects of type value_type, where k1 and k2 are their keys of type key_type and d1 and d2 are their data of type mapped_type, then m.value_comp( )(e1, e2) is equivalent to m.key_comp( ) (k1, k2). A stored object defines the member function
bool operator(value_type&_Left, value_type& _Right);
which returns true if the key value of _Left precedes and is not equal to the key value of _Right in the sort order.
In Visual C++ .NET 2003, members of the <hash_map> and <hash_set> header files are no longer in the std namespace, but rather have been moved into the stdext namespace. See The stdext Namespace for more information.
// hash_multimap_value_comp.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <hash_map>
#include <iostream>
int main( )
using namespace std;
using namespace stdext;
hash_multimap <int, int, hash_compare<int, less<int> > > hm1;
hash_multimap <int, int, hash_compare<int, less<int> >
>::value_compare vc1 = hm1.value_comp( );
hash_multimap <int,int>::iterator Iter1, Iter2;
Iter1= hm1.insert ( hash_multimap <int, int> :: value_type ( 1, 10 ) );
Iter2= hm1.insert ( hash_multimap <int, int> :: value_type ( 2, 5 ) );
if( vc1( *Iter1, *Iter2 ) == true )
cout << "The element ( 1,10 ) precedes the element ( 2,5 )."
<< endl;
cout << "The element ( 1,10 ) does "
<< "not precede the element ( 2,5 )."
<< endl;
if( vc1( *Iter2, *Iter1 ) == true )
cout << "The element ( 2,5 ) precedes the element ( 1,10 )."
<< endl;
cout << "The element ( 2,5 ) does "
<< "not precede the element ( 1,10 )."
<< endl;
The element ( 1,10 ) precedes the element ( 2,5 ).
The element ( 2,5 ) does not precede the element ( 1,10 ).
Header: <hash_map>
Namespace: stdext