다음을 통해 공유

ServicingFlags Enumeration

This is the set of options that can be supplied with a servicing job to validate the state of the system before the job is executed.

This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.

Namespace:  Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Server
Assembly:  Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Server (in Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Server.dll)


<FlagsAttribute> _
Public Enumeration ServicingFlags
public enum ServicingFlags
public enum class ServicingFlags
type ServicingFlags
public enum ServicingFlags


Member name Description
HostMustExist If the HostMustExist flag is specified, the ServicingHostId must be a valid host instance. This will cause the servicing job to verify the host exists, and it will create a ServicingRequestContext for this host and put it in the ServicingItems dictionary.[ServicingItemConstants.TargetRequestContext] cannot be combined with the [HostMustNotExist] flag.The ServicingHostId must not be [Guid.Empty].

HostMustNotExist If the [HostMustNotExist] flag is specified, the ServicingHostId must not be a valid host in the instance. This cannot be combined with the [RequiresStoppedHost] flag.The ServicingHostId must not be [Guid.Empty].

None No optional servicing work with be done for this servicing job.

RequiresStoppedHost If the [RequiresStoppedHost] flag is supplied, the servicing engine will make sure that the target host is stopped before it continues with the job. This flag includes the HostMustExist flag.

UseSystemTargetRequestContext If UseSystemTargetRequestContext flag is supplied the servicing engine will create a system context instead of servicing context when executing the job

See Also


Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Framework.Server Namespace