.gif) .gif) |
AcquireWin32Focus |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) .gif) |
AddPropertyChangeHandler<T>(T, DependencyProperty, EventHandler) |
Adds a handler that is called when property changes on instance. |
.gif) .gif) |
AddPropertyChangeHandler<T>(T, DependencyProperty, EventHandler, Type) |
Adds a handler that is called when property changes on instance. |
.gif) .gif) |
CopyTo |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) .gif) |
FindAncestor<TAncestorType>(Visual) |
Finds the first ancestor of a given type in the logical or visual tree. |
.gif) .gif) |
FindAncestor<TElementType>(TElementType, Func<TElementType, TElementType>, Func<TElementType, Boolean>) |
.gif) .gif) |
FindAncestor<TAncestorType, TElementType>(TElementType, Func<TElementType, TElementType>) |
.gif) .gif) |
FindAncestorOrSelf<TAncestorType>(Visual) |
Finds the first ancestor of a given type in the logical or visual tree, or the object itself if it matches in type. |
.gif) .gif) |
FindAncestorOrSelf<TElementType>(TElementType, Func<TElementType, TElementType>, Func<TElementType, Boolean>) |
.gif) .gif) |
FindAncestorOrSelf<TAncestorType, TElementType>(TElementType, Func<TElementType, TElementType>) |
.gif) .gif) |
FindCommonAncestor(DependencyObject, DependencyObject) |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) .gif) |
FindCommonAncestor<T>(T, T, Func<T, T>) |
.gif) .gif) |
FindDescendant(DependencyObject, Predicate<DependencyObject>) |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) .gif) |
FindDescendant<T>(DependencyObject) |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) .gif) |
FindDescendantReverse<T> |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) .gif) |
FindDescendants<T> |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) .gif) |
FindDescendantsReverse<T> |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) .gif) |
GetVisualOrLogicalParent |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) .gif) |
IsAncestorOf<TElementType> |
.gif) .gif) |
IsClipped |
Determines whether the element's text is clipped by a parent ScrollViewer (the element can still be scrolled to view the clipped text) |
.gif) .gif) |
IsConnectedToPresentationSource |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) .gif) |
IsLogicalAncestorOf |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) .gif) |
IsNearlyEqual |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) .gif) |
IsNonreal |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) .gif) |
IsSignificantlyGreaterThan |
Determines whether the first value is significantly greater than the second value. |
.gif) .gif) |
IsSignificantlyLessThan |
Determines whether the first value is significantly less than the second value. |
.gif) .gif) |
IsTextTrimmed |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) .gif) |
IsTopmost |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) .gif) |
IsTrimmed |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) .gif) |
RaiseEvent(EventHandler, Object) |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) .gif) |
RaiseEvent(NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler, Object, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs) |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) .gif) |
RaiseEvent(CancelEventHandler, Object, CancelEventArgs) |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) .gif) |
RaiseEvent(PropertyChangedEventHandler, Object, PropertyChangedEventArgs) |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) .gif) |
RaiseEvent(PropertyChangingEventHandler, Object, PropertyChangingEventArgs) |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) .gif) |
RaiseEvent(EventHandler, Object, EventArgs) |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) .gif) |
RaiseEvent<TEventArgs>(EventHandler<TEventArgs>, Object, TEventArgs) |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) .gif) |
RemovePropertyChangeHandler<T>(T, DependencyProperty, EventHandler) |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) .gif) |
RemovePropertyChangeHandler<T>(T, DependencyProperty, EventHandler, Type) |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) .gif) |
ThrowIfNullOrEmpty |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) .gif) |
ToArgb |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) .gif) |
ToColorFromArgb |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) .gif) |
ToColorFromRgba |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) .gif) |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) .gif) |
ToRgba |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) .gif) |
TraverseVisualTree<T> |
Microsoft internal use only. |
.gif) .gif) |
TraverseVisualTreeReverse<T> |
Microsoft internal use only. |