다음을 통해 공유

__VSSYSCOLOREX3 Enumeration

Enumerates color IDs used in the Visual Studio shell.

Namespace:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop
Assembly:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.10.0 (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.10.0.dll)


Public Enumeration __VSSYSCOLOREX3
public enum __VSSYSCOLOREX3
public enum class __VSSYSCOLOREX3
public enum __VSSYSCOLOREX3


Member name Description
VSCOLOR_ACTIVEBORDER Color of the active border.
VSCOLOR_ACTIVECAPTION Color of the active caption bar.
VSCOLOR_APPWORKSPACE Color of the application workspace.
VSCOLOR_AUTOHIDE_RESIZEGRIP Color of the resize border.
VSCOLOR_AUTOHIDE_TAB_BACKGROUND_BEGIN Starting color of the background after a mouse click.
VSCOLOR_AUTOHIDE_TAB_BACKGROUND_END Final color of the background after a mouse click.
VSCOLOR_AUTOHIDE_TAB_BORDER Color of the window border.
VSCOLOR_AUTOHIDE_TAB_MOUSEOVER_BACKGROUND_BEGIN Starting color of the background during mouse over.
VSCOLOR_AUTOHIDE_TAB_MOUSEOVER_BACKGROUND_END Final color of the background during mouse over.
VSCOLOR_AUTOHIDE_TAB_MOUSEOVER_BORDER Color of the window border during a mouse over.
VSCOLOR_AUTOHIDE_TAB_MOUSEOVER_TEXT Color of text during a mouse over.
VSCOLOR_AUTOHIDE_TAB_TEXT Color of the autohide tab.
VSCOLOR_BACKGROUND Color of the background.
VSCOLOR_BUTTONFACE Color of a button face.
VSCOLOR_BUTTONHIGHLIGHT Color of button highlights.
VSCOLOR_BUTTONSHADOW Color of button shadows.
VSCOLOR_BUTTONTEXT Color of button text.
VSCOLOR_CAPTIONTEXT Color of caption text.
VSCOLOR_CLASSDESIGNER_CLASSCOMPARTMENT Color of a class compartment in the class designer.
VSCOLOR_CLASSDESIGNER_CLASSHEADERBACKGROUND Color of the class header background in the class designer.
VSCOLOR_CLASSDESIGNER_COMMENTBORDER Color of the comment border in the class designer.
VSCOLOR_CLASSDESIGNER_COMMENTSHAPEBACKGROUND Color of the comment shape background in the class designer.
VSCOLOR_CLASSDESIGNER_COMMENTTEXT Color of the comment text in the class designer.
VSCOLOR_CLASSDESIGNER_COMPARTMENTSEPARATOR Color of the compartment separator in the class designer.
VSCOLOR_CLASSDESIGNER_CONNECTIONROUTEBORDER Color of the connection route border in the class designer.
VSCOLOR_CLASSDESIGNER_DEFAULTCONNECTION Color of the default connection in the class designer.
VSCOLOR_CLASSDESIGNER_DEFAULTSHAPEBACKGROUND Color of default shape background in the class designer.
VSCOLOR_CLASSDESIGNER_DEFAULTSHAPEBORDER Color of default shape border in the class designer.
VSCOLOR_CLASSDESIGNER_DEFAULTSHAPESUBTITLE Color of the default shape subtitle in the class designer.
VSCOLOR_CLASSDESIGNER_DEFAULTSHAPETEXT Color of the default shape text in the class designer.
VSCOLOR_CLASSDESIGNER_DEFAULTSHAPETITLE Color of default shape title in the class designer.
VSCOLOR_CLASSDESIGNER_DEFAULTSHAPETITLEBACKGROUND Color of the default shape title background in the class designer.
VSCOLOR_CLASSDESIGNER_DELEGATECOMPARTMENT Color of the delegate compartment in the class designer.
VSCOLOR_CLASSDESIGNER_DELEGATEHEADER Color of the delegate header in the class designer.
VSCOLOR_CLASSDESIGNER_DIAGRAMBACKGROUND Color of the diagram background in the class designer.
VSCOLOR_CLASSDESIGNER_EMPHASISBORDER Color of the emphasis border in the class designer.
VSCOLOR_CLASSDESIGNER_ENUMHEADER Color of the enum header in the class designer.
VSCOLOR_CLASSDESIGNER_FIELDASSOCIATION Color of the field association in the class designer.
VSCOLOR_CLASSDESIGNER_GRADIENTEND Color of the gradient end in the class designer.
VSCOLOR_CLASSDESIGNER_INHERITANCE Color the inheritance control in the class designer.
VSCOLOR_CLASSDESIGNER_INTERFACECOMPARTMENT Color of the interface compartment in the class designer.
VSCOLOR_CLASSDESIGNER_INTERFACEHEADER Color of the interface header in the class designer.
VSCOLOR_CLASSDESIGNER_LASSO Color of the lasso in the class designer.
VSCOLOR_CLASSDESIGNER_LOLLIPOP Color of the lollipop in the class designer.
VSCOLOR_CLASSDESIGNER_PROPERTYASSOCIATION Color of the property association control in the class designer.
VSCOLOR_CLASSDESIGNER_REFERENCEDASSEMBLYBORDER Color of the referenced assembly border in the class designer.
VSCOLOR_CLASSDESIGNER_RESIZINGSHAPEBORDER Color the resizing shape border in the class designer.
VSCOLOR_CLASSDESIGNER_SHAPEBORDER Color of the shape border in the class designer.
VSCOLOR_CLASSDESIGNER_SHAPESHADOW Color of the shape shadow in the class designer.
VSCOLOR_CLASSDESIGNER_TEMPCONNECTION Color of the temporary connection control in the class designer.
VSCOLOR_CLASSDESIGNER_TYPEDEF Color of the typedef control in the class designer.
VSCOLOR_CLASSDESIGNER_TYPEDEFHEADER Color of typedef header in the class designer.
VSCOLOR_CLASSDESIGNER_UNRESOLVEDTEXT Color of unresolved text in the class designer.
VSCOLOR_CLASSDESIGNER_VBMODULECOMPARTMENT Color of the Visual Basic module compartment in the class designer.
VSCOLOR_CLASSDESIGNER_VBMODULEHEADER Color of the Visual Basic module headercompartment in the class designer.
VSCOLOR_COMBOBOX_BACKGROUND Color of the combobox background.
VSCOLOR_COMBOBOX_BORDER Color of the combobox border.
VSCOLOR_COMBOBOX_DISABLED_BACKGROUND Color of the combobox disabled background.
VSCOLOR_COMBOBOX_DISABLED_BORDER Color of the combobox disabled border.
VSCOLOR_COMBOBOX_DISABLED_GLYPH Color of the combobox disabled glyph.
VSCOLOR_COMBOBOX_GLYPH Color of the combobox glyph.
VSCOLOR_COMBOBOX_MOUSEDOWN_BACKGROUND Color of the combobox background when the mouse button is pressed.
VSCOLOR_COMBOBOX_MOUSEDOWN_BORDER Color of the combobox border when the mouse button is pressed.
VSCOLOR_COMBOBOX_MOUSEOVER_BACKGROUND_BEGIN Starting color of the combobox background when the mouse is over the control.
VSCOLOR_COMBOBOX_MOUSEOVER_BACKGROUND_END Final color of the combobox background when the mouse is over the control.
VSCOLOR_COMBOBOX_MOUSEOVER_BACKGROUND_MIDDLE1 First intermediate color of the combobox background when the mouse is over the control.
VSCOLOR_COMBOBOX_MOUSEOVER_BACKGROUND_MIDDLE2 Second intermediate color of the combobox background when the mouse is over the control.
VSCOLOR_COMBOBOX_MOUSEOVER_BORDER Color of the combobox border when the mouse is over the control.
VSCOLOR_COMBOBOX_MOUSEOVER_GLYPH Color of the combobox glyph when the mouse is over the control.
VSCOLOR_COMBOBOX_POPUP_BACKGROUND_BEGIN Starting color of the combobox pop-up background when the mouse is over the control.
VSCOLOR_COMBOBOX_POPUP_BACKGROUND_END Final color of the combobox pop-up background when the mouse is over the control.
VSCOLOR_COMBOBOX_POPUP_BORDER Color of the combobox pop-up border when the mouse is over the control.
VSCOLOR_COMMANDBAR_CHECKBOX Color of the command bar checkbox.
VSCOLOR_COMMANDBAR_MENU_BACKGROUND_GRADIENTBEGIN Starting color of the command bar menu background gradient.
VSCOLOR_COMMANDBAR_MENU_BACKGROUND_GRADIENTEND Final color of the command bar menu background gradient.
VSCOLOR_COMMANDBAR_MENU_BORDER Color of the command bar menu border.
VSCOLOR_COMMANDBAR_MENU_ICONBACKGROUND Color of the command bar menu icon background.
VSCOLOR_COMMANDBAR_MENU_MOUSEOVER_SUBMENU_GLYPH Color of the command bar menu submenu glyph when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_COMMANDBAR_MENU_SEPARATOR Color of the command bar menu separator.
VSCOLOR_COMMANDBAR_MENU_SUBMENU_GLYPH Color of the command bar menu submenu glyph.
VSCOLOR_COMMANDBAR_MOUSEDOWN_BACKGROUND_BEGIN Starting color of the command bar background when the mouse button is pressed.
VSCOLOR_COMMANDBAR_MOUSEDOWN_BACKGROUND_END Final color of the command bar background when the mouse button is pressed.
VSCOLOR_COMMANDBAR_MOUSEDOWN_BACKGROUND_MIDDLE Intermediate color of the command bar background when the mouse button is pressed.
VSCOLOR_COMMANDBAR_MOUSEDOWN_BORDER Color of the command bar border when the mouse button is pressed.
VSCOLOR_COMMANDBAR_MOUSEOVER_BACKGROUND_BEGIN Starting color of the command bar background when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_COMMANDBAR_MOUSEOVER_BACKGROUND_END Final color of the command bar background when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_COMMANDBAR_MOUSEOVER_BACKGROUND_MIDDLE1 First intermediate color of the command bar background when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_COMMANDBAR_MOUSEOVER_BACKGROUND_MIDDLE2 Second intermediate color of the command bar background when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_COMMANDBAR_OPTIONS_BACKGROUND Color of the command bar options control background.
VSCOLOR_COMMANDBAR_OPTIONS_GLYPH Color of the command bar options control glyph.
VSCOLOR_COMMANDBAR_OPTIONS_MOUSEDOWN_BACKGROUND_BEGIN Starting color of the command bar options control background when the mouse button is pressed.
VSCOLOR_COMMANDBAR_OPTIONS_MOUSEDOWN_BACKGROUND_END Final color of the command bar options control background when the mouse button is pressed.
VSCOLOR_COMMANDBAR_OPTIONS_MOUSEDOWN_BACKGROUND_MIDDLE Intermediate color of the command bar options control background when the mouse button is pressed.
VSCOLOR_COMMANDBAR_OPTIONS_MOUSEOVER_BACKGROUND_BEGIN Starting color of the command bar options control background when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_COMMANDBAR_OPTIONS_MOUSEOVER_BACKGROUND_END Starting color of the command bar options control background when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_COMMANDBAR_OPTIONS_MOUSEOVER_BACKGROUND_MIDDLE1 First intermediate color of the command bar options control background when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_COMMANDBAR_OPTIONS_MOUSEOVER_BACKGROUND_MIDDLE2 Second intermediate color of the command bar options control background when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_COMMANDBAR_OPTIONS_MOUSEOVER_GLYPH Color of the command bar options control glyph when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_COMMANDBAR_SELECTED_BORDER Color of the command bar selected border.
VSCOLOR_COMMANDBAR_TOOLBAR_BORDER Color of the command bar toolbar border.
VSCOLOR_COMMANDBAR_TOOLBAR_SEPARATOR Color of the command bar toolbar separator.
VSCOLOR_COMMANDSHELF_BACKGROUND_GRADIENTBEGIN Starting color of the command shelf background.
VSCOLOR_COMMANDSHELF_BACKGROUND_GRADIENTEND Ending color of the command shelf background.
VSCOLOR_COMMANDSHELF_BACKGROUND_GRADIENTMIDDLE Intermediate color of the command shelf background.
VSCOLOR_COMMANDSHELF_HIGHLIGHT_GRADIENTBEGIN Starting color of the command shelf highlight.
VSCOLOR_COMMANDSHELF_HIGHLIGHT_GRADIENTEND Ending color of the command shelf highlight.
VSCOLOR_COMMANDSHELF_HIGHLIGHT_GRADIENTMIDDLE Intermediate color of the command shelf highlight.
VSCOLOR_DIAGREPORT_BACKGROUND Color of the diagnostic report background.
VSCOLOR_DIAGREPORT_SECONDARYPAGE_HEADER Color of the diagnostic report secondary page header.
VSCOLOR_DIAGREPORT_SECONDARYPAGE_SUBTITLE Color of the diagnostic report secondary page subtitle.
VSCOLOR_DIAGREPORT_SECONDARYPAGE_TITLE Color of the diagnostic report secondary page title.
VSCOLOR_DIAGREPORT_SUMMARYPAGE_HEADER Color of the diagnostic report summary page header.
VSCOLOR_DIAGREPORT_SUMMARYPAGE_SUBTITLE Color of the diagnostic report summary page subtitle.
VSCOLOR_DIAGREPORT_SUMMARYPAGE_TITLE Color of the diagnostic report summary page title.
VSCOLOR_DIAGREPORT_TEXT Color of the diagnostic report text.
VSCOLOR_DOCKTARGET_BACKGROUND Color of the docking target background.
VSCOLOR_DOCKTARGET_BORDER Color of the docking target border.
VSCOLOR_DOCKTARGET_BUTTON_BACKGROUND_BEGIN Starting color of the docking target button background.
VSCOLOR_DOCKTARGET_BUTTON_BACKGROUND_END Final color of the docking target button background.
VSCOLOR_DOCKTARGET_BUTTON_BORDER Color of the docking target button border.
VSCOLOR_DOCKTARGET_GLYPH_ARROW Color of the docking target glyph arrow.
VSCOLOR_DOCKTARGET_GLYPH_BACKGROUND_BEGIN Starting color of the docking target glyph background.
VSCOLOR_DOCKTARGET_GLYPH_BACKGROUND_END Final color of the docking target glyph background.
VSCOLOR_DOCKTARGET_GLYPH_BORDER Color of the docking target glyph border.
VSCOLOR_DROPDOWN_BACKGROUND Color of the drop down background.
VSCOLOR_DROPDOWN_BORDER Color of the drop down border.
VSCOLOR_DROPDOWN_DISABLED_BACKGROUND Color of the drop down disabled background.
VSCOLOR_DROPDOWN_DISABLED_BORDER Color of the drop down disabled border.
VSCOLOR_DROPDOWN_DISABLED_GLYPH Color of the drop down disabled glyph.
VSCOLOR_DROPDOWN_GLYPH Color of the drop down glyph.
VSCOLOR_DROPDOWN_MOUSEDOWN_BACKGROUND Color of the drop down background when the mouse button is pressed.
VSCOLOR_DROPDOWN_MOUSEDOWN_BORDER Color of the drop down border when the mouse button is pressed.
VSCOLOR_DROPDOWN_MOUSEOVER_BACKGROUND_BEGIN Starting color of the drop down background when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_DROPDOWN_MOUSEOVER_BACKGROUND_END Final color of the drop down background when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_DROPDOWN_MOUSEOVER_BACKGROUND_MIDDLE1 First intermediate color of the drop down background when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_DROPDOWN_MOUSEOVER_BACKGROUND_MIDDLE2 Second intermediate color of the drop down background when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_DROPDOWN_MOUSEOVER_BORDER Color of the drop down border when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_DROPDOWN_MOUSEOVER_GLYPH Color of the drop down glyph when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_DROPDOWN_POPUP_BACKGROUND_BEGIN Starting color of the drop down popup background.
VSCOLOR_DROPDOWN_POPUP_BACKGROUND_END Final color of the drop down popup background.
VSCOLOR_DROPDOWN_POPUP_BORDER Color of the drop down popup border.
VSCOLOR_DROPSHADOW_BACKGROUND Color of the drop shadow background.
VSCOLOR_ENVIRONMENT_BACKGROUND_GRADIENTMIDDLE1 Intermediate color of the environment background gradient.
VSCOLOR_ENVIRONMENT_BACKGROUND_GRADIENTMIDDLE2 Second intermediate color of the environment background gradient.
VSCOLOR_ENVIRONMENT_BACKGROUND_TEXTURE1 First texture color of the environment background.
VSCOLOR_ENVIRONMENT_BACKGROUND_TEXTURE2 Second texture color of the environment background.
VSCOLOR_EXTENSIONMANAGER_STAR_HIGHLIGHT1 Color of the first star high light in the extension manager.
VSCOLOR_EXTENSIONMANAGER_STAR_HIGHLIGHT2 Color of the second star high light in the extension manager.
VSCOLOR_EXTENSIONMANAGER_STAR_INACTIVE1 Color of the first inactive in the extension manager.
VSCOLOR_EXTENSIONMANAGER_STAR_INACTIVE2 Color of the second inactive in the extension manager.
VSCOLOR_FILETAB_HOT_BORDER Color of the file tab border when it can be selected.
VSCOLOR_FILETAB_HOT_GLYPH Color of the file tab glyph when it can be selected.
VSCOLOR_FILETAB_HOT_TEXT Color of the file tab text when it can be selected.
VSCOLOR_FILETAB_INACTIVE_DOCUMENTBORDER_BACKGROUND Color of the inactive document border background on the file tab.
VSCOLOR_FILETAB_INACTIVE_DOCUMENTBORDER_EDGE Color of the inactive document border edge on the file tab.
VSCOLOR_FILETAB_INACTIVE_GRADIENTBOTTOM Color at the bottom of the inactive file tab.
VSCOLOR_FILETAB_INACTIVE_GRADIENTTOP Color at the top of the inactive file tab.
VSCOLOR_FILETAB_INACTIVE_TEXT Color of the text of the inactive file tab.
VSCOLOR_FILETAB_LASTACTIVE_DOCUMENTBORDER_BACKGROUND Color of the most recent inactive document border background.
VSCOLOR_FILETAB_LASTACTIVE_DOCUMENTBORDER_EDGE Color of the most recent inactive document border edge.
VSCOLOR_FILETAB_LASTACTIVE_GLYPH Color of the most recent inactive glyph.
VSCOLOR_FILETAB_LASTACTIVE_GRADIENTBOTTOM Bottom color of the most recent inactive file tab.
VSCOLOR_FILETAB_LASTACTIVE_GRADIENTMIDDLE1 First intermediate color of the most recent inactive file tab.
VSCOLOR_FILETAB_LASTACTIVE_GRADIENTMIDDLE2 Second intermediate color of the most recent inactive file tab.
VSCOLOR_FILETAB_LASTACTIVE_GRADIENTTOP Top color of the most recent inactive file tab.
VSCOLOR_FILETAB_LASTACTIVE_TEXT Color of the text in the most recent inactive file tab.
VSCOLOR_FILETAB_SELECTED_GRADIENTMIDDLE1 First intermediate color of the selected file tab.
VSCOLOR_FILETAB_SELECTED_GRADIENTMIDDLE2 Second intermediate color of the selected file tab.
VSCOLOR_GRAYTEXT Color if inactive text.
VSCOLOR_HIGHLIGHT Color of high lights.
VSCOLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT Color of high lighted text.
VSCOLOR_INACTIVEBORDER Color of the inactive window border.
VSCOLOR_INACTIVECAPTION Color of the inactive caption.
VSCOLOR_INACTIVECAPTIONTEXT Color of the inactive caption text.
VSCOLOR_INFOBACKGROUND Color of the information dialog background.
VSCOLOR_INFOTEXT Color of the information dialog text.
VSCOLOR_LASTEX3 Color of the last example.
VSCOLOR_MENU Color of the menu.
VSCOLOR_MENUTEXT Color of the menu text.
VSCOLOR_NEWPROJECT_BACKGROUND Color of the new project window background.
VSCOLOR_NEWPROJECT_ITEM_INACTIVE_BEGIN First color of the inactive new project window.
VSCOLOR_NEWPROJECT_ITEM_INACTIVE_BORDER Color of the inactive new project border.
VSCOLOR_NEWPROJECT_ITEM_INACTIVE_END Final color of the inactive new project window.
VSCOLOR_NEWPROJECT_ITEM_SELECTED Color of the selected item in the new project window.
VSCOLOR_NEWPROJECT_ITEM_SELECTED_BORDER Color of the selected border in the new project window.
VSCOLOR_NEWPROJECT_PROVIDER_HOVER_BEGIN Starting color of the new project provider when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_NEWPROJECT_PROVIDER_HOVER_END Final color of the new project provider when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_NEWPROJECT_PROVIDER_HOVER_FOREGROUND Color of the foreground of the new project provider when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_NEWPROJECT_PROVIDER_HOVER_MIDDLE1 First intermediate color of the new project provider when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_NEWPROJECT_PROVIDER_HOVER_MIDDLE2 Second intermediate color of the new project provider when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_NEWPROJECT_PROVIDER_INACTIVE_BEGIN Starting color of an inactive new project provider.
VSCOLOR_NEWPROJECT_PROVIDER_INACTIVE_END Final color of an inactive new project provider.
VSCOLOR_NEWPROJECT_PROVIDER_INACTIVE_FOREGROUND Color of the foreground for an inactive new project provider.
VSCOLOR_PAGE_CONTENTEXPANDER_CHEVRON Color of the content expander chevron.
VSCOLOR_PAGE_CONTENTEXPANDER_SEPARATOR Color of the content expander separator.
VSCOLOR_PAGE_SIDEBAREXPANDER_BODY Color of the sidebar expander body.
VSCOLOR_PAGE_SIDEBAREXPANDER_CHEVRON Color of the sidebar expander chevron.
VSCOLOR_PAGE_SIDEBAREXPANDER_HEADER Color of the sidebar expander header
VSCOLOR_PAGE_SIDEBAREXPANDER_HEADER_HOVER Color of the sidebar expander when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_PAGE_SIDEBAREXPANDER_HEADER_PRESSED Color of he sidebar expander when the mouse button is pressed.
VSCOLOR_PAGE_SIDEBAREXPANDER_SEPARATOR Color of the sidebar expander separator.
VSCOLOR_SCROLLBAR Color of the main scroll bar.
VSCOLOR_SCROLLBAR_ARROW_BACKGROUND Color of the main scroll bar arrow background.
VSCOLOR_SCROLLBAR_ARROW_DISABLED_BACKGROUND Color of the main scroll bar arrow background when it is disabled.
VSCOLOR_SCROLLBAR_ARROW_MOUSEOVER_BACKGROUND Color of the main scroll bar arrow background when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_SCROLLBAR_ARROW_PRESSED_BACKGROUND Color of the main scroll bar arrow background when a mouse button is pressed.
VSCOLOR_SCROLLBAR_BACKGROUND Color of the main scroll bar background.
VSCOLOR_SCROLLBAR_DISABLED_BACKGROUND Color of the main scroll bar when it is disabled.
VSCOLOR_SCROLLBAR_THUMB_BACKGROUND Color of the background of the main scroll bar thumb.
VSCOLOR_SCROLLBAR_THUMB_BORDER Color of the border of the main scroll bar thumb.
VSCOLOR_SCROLLBAR_THUMB_GLYPH Color of the glyph of the main scroll bar thumb.
VSCOLOR_SCROLLBAR_THUMB_MOUSEOVER_BACKGROUND Color of the main scroll bar thumb background when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_SCROLLBAR_THUMB_PRESSED_BACKGROUND Color of the main scroll bar thumb background when the mouse button is pressed.
VSCOLOR_SEARCHBOX_BACKGROUND Color of the search box background.
VSCOLOR_SEARCHBOX_BORDER Color of the search box border.
VSCOLOR_SEARCHBOX_MOUSEOVER_BACKGROUND_BEGIN Starting color of the search box background when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_SEARCHBOX_MOUSEOVER_BACKGROUND_END Final color of the search box background when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_SEARCHBOX_MOUSEOVER_BACKGROUND_MIDDLE1 First intermediate color of the search box background when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_SEARCHBOX_MOUSEOVER_BACKGROUND_MIDDLE2 Second intermediate color of the search box background when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_SEARCHBOX_MOUSEOVER_BORDER Color of the search box border when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_SEARCHBOX_PRESSED_BACKGROUND Color of the search box background when the mouse button is pressed.
VSCOLOR_SEARCHBOX_PRESSED_BORDER Color of the search box border when the mouse button is pressed.
VSCOLOR_STARTPAGE_BACKGROUND_GRADIENTBEGIN Starting color of gradient in the start page background.
VSCOLOR_STARTPAGE_BACKGROUND_GRADIENTEND Final color of gradient in the start page background.
VSCOLOR_STARTPAGE_BUTTON_BORDER Color of the start page button border
VSCOLOR_STARTPAGE_BUTTON_MOUSEOVER_BACKGROUND_BEGIN Starting color of the start page button background when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_STARTPAGE_BUTTON_MOUSEOVER_BACKGROUND_END Final color of the start page button background when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_STARTPAGE_BUTTON_MOUSEOVER_BACKGROUND_MIDDLE1 First intermediate color of the start page button background when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_STARTPAGE_BUTTON_MOUSEOVER_BACKGROUND_MIDDLE2 Second intermediate color of the start page button background when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_STARTPAGE_BUTTON_PIN_DOWN Color of the button pin on the start page when the mouse button is pressed.
VSCOLOR_STARTPAGE_BUTTON_PIN_HOVER Color of the button pin on the start page when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_STARTPAGE_BUTTON_PINNED Color of the button on the start page when it is pinned.
VSCOLOR_STARTPAGE_BUTTON_UNPINNED Color of the button on the start page when it is unpinned.
VSCOLOR_STARTPAGE_BUTTONTEXT Color of the button text on the start page.
VSCOLOR_STARTPAGE_BUTTONTEXT_HOVER Color of the button text on the start page when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_STARTPAGE_SELECTEDITEM_BACKGROUND Color of the selected item background on the start page.
VSCOLOR_STARTPAGE_SELECTEDITEM_STROKE Color of the selected item stroke on the start page.
VSCOLOR_STARTPAGE_SEPARATOR Color of the separator on the start page.
VSCOLOR_STARTPAGE_TAB_BACKGROUND_BEGIN Starting color of the background on the start page.
VSCOLOR_STARTPAGE_TAB_BACKGROUND_END Final color of the background on the start page.
VSCOLOR_STARTPAGE_TAB_MOUSEOVER_BACKGROUND_BEGIN Starting color of the background on the start page when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_STARTPAGE_TAB_MOUSEOVER_BACKGROUND_END Final color of the background on the start page when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_STARTPAGE_TEXT_BODY Color of the text body on the start page.
VSCOLOR_STARTPAGE_TEXT_BODY_SELECTED Color of the text body on the start page when it is selected.
VSCOLOR_STARTPAGE_TEXT_BODY_UNSELECTED Color of the text body on the start page when it is unselected.
VSCOLOR_STARTPAGE_TEXT_CONTROL_LINK_SELECTED Color of the text in the control link when it is selected.
VSCOLOR_STARTPAGE_TEXT_CONTROL_LINK_SELECTED_HOVER Color of the text in the control link when it is selected and the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_STARTPAGE_TEXT_DATE Color of the text for the date.
VSCOLOR_STARTPAGE_TEXT_HEADING Color of the text for the heading.
VSCOLOR_STARTPAGE_TEXT_HEADING_MOUSEOVER Color of the text for the heading when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_STARTPAGE_TEXT_HEADING_SELECTED Color of the text of the heading when it is selected.
VSCOLOR_STARTPAGE_TEXT_SUBHEADING Color of the subheading on the start page.
VSCOLOR_STARTPAGE_TEXT_SUBHEADING_MOUSEOVER Color of the subheading on the start page when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_STARTPAGE_TEXT_SUBHEADING_SELECTED Color of the subheading on the start page when it is selected.
VSCOLOR_STARTPAGE_UNSELECTEDITEM_BACKGROUND_BEGIN Starting color of the background of an unselected item on the start page.
VSCOLOR_STARTPAGE_UNSELECTEDITEM_BACKGROUND_END Final color of the background of an unselected item on the start page.
VSCOLOR_STARTPAGE_UNSELECTEDITEM_STROKE Color of the stroke on an unselected item on the start page.
VSCOLOR_STATUSBAR_TEXT Color of the text in the status bar.
VSCOLOR_THREEDDARKSHADOW Color of the dark shadow of 3D controls.
VSCOLOR_THREEDFACE Color of the face of 3D controls.
VSCOLOR_THREEDHIGHLIGHT Color of the highlights of 3D controls.
VSCOLOR_THREEDLIGHTSHADOW Color of the light shadow of 3D controls.
VSCOLOR_THREEDSHADOW Color of the shadow of 3D controls.
VSCOLOR_TITLEBAR_ACTIVE_GRADIENTMIDDLE1 First intermediate color of gradient in the title bar when it is active.
VSCOLOR_TITLEBAR_ACTIVE_GRADIENTMIDDLE2 Second intermediate color of gradient in the title bar when it is active.
VSCOLOR_TOOLBOX_SELECTED_HEADING_BEGIN Starting color of the heading ion the toolbox when it is selected.
VSCOLOR_TOOLBOX_SELECTED_HEADING_END Final color of the heading ion the toolbox when it is selected.
VSCOLOR_TOOLBOX_SELECTED_HEADING_MIDDLE1 First intermediate color of the heading ion the toolbox when it is selected.
VSCOLOR_TOOLBOX_SELECTED_HEADING_MIDDLE2 Second intermediate color of the heading ion the toolbox when it is selected.
VSCOLOR_TOOLWINDOW_BUTTON_ACTIVE_GLYPH Color of the button glyph in the tool window when it is active.
VSCOLOR_TOOLWINDOW_BUTTON_DOWN_ACTIVE_GLYPH Color of the button glyph in the tool window when it is active and the button is pressed.
VSCOLOR_TOOLWINDOW_BUTTON_DOWN_INACTIVE_GLYPH Color of the button glyph in the tool window when it is inactive and the button is pressed.
VSCOLOR_TOOLWINDOW_BUTTON_HOVER_ACTIVE_GLYPH Color of the button glyph in the tool window when it is active and the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_TOOLWINDOW_BUTTON_HOVER_INACTIVE_GLYPH Color of the button glyph in the tool window when it is inactive and the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_TOOLWINDOW_BUTTON_INACTIVE Color of the button in the tool window when it is inactive.
VSCOLOR_TOOLWINDOW_BUTTON_INACTIVE_BORDER Color of the button border in the tool window when it is inactive.
VSCOLOR_TOOLWINDOW_BUTTON_INACTIVE_GLYPH Color of glyph on the button in the tool window when it is inactive.
VSCOLOR_TOOLWINDOW_CONTENTTAB_GRADIENTBEGIN Starting color of the gradient in the content tab in the tool window.
VSCOLOR_TOOLWINDOW_CONTENTTAB_GRADIENTEND Final color of the gradient in the content tab in the tool window.
VSCOLOR_TOOLWINDOW_FLOATING_FRAME Color of the tool window floating frame.
VSCOLOR_TOOLWINDOW_TAB_MOUSEOVER_BACKGROUND_BEGIN Starting color of the tool window background when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_TOOLWINDOW_TAB_MOUSEOVER_BACKGROUND_END Final color of the tool window background when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_TOOLWINDOW_TAB_MOUSEOVER_BORDER Color of the tool window border when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_TOOLWINDOW_TAB_MOUSEOVER_TEXT Color of the tool window text when the mouse is over it.
VSCOLOR_VIZSURFACE_BROWN_DARK Named color used in the shell.
VSCOLOR_VIZSURFACE_BROWN_LIGHT Named color used in the shell.
VSCOLOR_VIZSURFACE_BROWN_MEDIUM Named color used in the shell.
VSCOLOR_VIZSURFACE_DARKGOLD_DARK Named color used in the shell.
VSCOLOR_VIZSURFACE_DARKGOLD_LIGHT Named color used in the shell.
VSCOLOR_VIZSURFACE_DARKGOLD_MEDIUM Named color used in the shell.
VSCOLOR_VIZSURFACE_GOLD_DARK Named color used in the shell.
VSCOLOR_VIZSURFACE_GOLD_LIGHT Named color used in the shell.
VSCOLOR_VIZSURFACE_GOLD_MEDIUM Named color used in the shell.
VSCOLOR_VIZSURFACE_GREEN_DARK Named color used in the shell.
VSCOLOR_VIZSURFACE_GREEN_LIGHT Named color used in the shell.
VSCOLOR_VIZSURFACE_GREEN_MEDIUM Named color used in the shell.
VSCOLOR_VIZSURFACE_PLUM_DARK Named color used in the shell.
VSCOLOR_VIZSURFACE_PLUM_LIGHT Named color used in the shell.
VSCOLOR_VIZSURFACE_PLUM_MEDIUM Named color used in the shell.
VSCOLOR_VIZSURFACE_RED_DARK Named color used in the shell.
VSCOLOR_VIZSURFACE_RED_LIGHT Named color used in the shell.
VSCOLOR_VIZSURFACE_RED_MEDIUM Named color used in the shell.
VSCOLOR_VIZSURFACE_SOFTBLUE_DARK Named color used in the shell.
VSCOLOR_VIZSURFACE_SOFTBLUE_LIGHT Named color used in the shell.
VSCOLOR_VIZSURFACE_SOFTBLUE_MEDIUM Named color used in the shell.
VSCOLOR_VIZSURFACE_STEELBLUE_DARK Named color used in the shell.
VSCOLOR_VIZSURFACE_STEELBLUE_LIGHT Named color used in the shell.
VSCOLOR_VIZSURFACE_STEELBLUE_MEDIUM Named color used in the shell.
VSCOLOR_VIZSURFACE_STRONGBLUE_DARK Named color used in the shell.
VSCOLOR_VIZSURFACE_STRONGBLUE_LIGHT Named color used in the shell.
VSCOLOR_WINDOW Color of the main window.
VSCOLOR_WINDOWFRAME Color of the main window frame.
VSCOLOR_WINDOWTEXT Color of the main window text.

See Also


Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop Namespace