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Microsoft.VisualStudio.Uml.Interactions Namespace

Interactions, which appear on sequence diagrams, can be used to represent function calls between program objects, message protocols between applications or computers, interactions between users and systems, or other sequences of interaction.

For more information about using the types in this namespace, see How to: Edit Sequence Diagrams by Using the UML API. For more information about the UML API, see Extending UML Models and Diagrams.

For more information about interactions in Visual Studio Ultimate, see UML Sequence Diagrams: Reference and UML Sequence Diagrams: Guidelines.

The types and properties defined in this namespace correspond to those defined in the UML Specification. In addition, extension methods are defined on many of the types in this namespace. For more information, see Microsoft.VisualStudio.ArchitectureTools.Extensibility.Uml.


  Interface Description
Public interface IActionExecutionSpecification Represents the execution of a specified Action.
Public interface IBehaviorExecutionSpecification The execution of a specified Behavior.
Public interface ICombinedFragment A collection of fragments such as a set of alternatives in an interaction.
Public interface IConsiderIgnoreFragment A fragment that has an InteractionOperator of Consider or Ignore. This type of fragment requires a list of messages that are to be excluded or included.
Public interface IExecutionEvent An event at the start or end of an Execution Occurrence.
Public interface IExecutionOccurrenceSpecification Specifies the position on a lifeline of the start or end of an execution occurrence.
Public interface IExecutionSpecification Represents the execution of a behavior on a lifeline. It appears in a sequence diagram as a shaded rectangle on the lifeline.
Public interface IInteraction A definition of behavior that focuses on the observable exchange of information between objects.
Public interface IInteractionConstraint Guards an operand in a CombinedFragment. The variables used must be global or owned by the lifelines that are covered by the Combined Fragment.
Public interface IInteractionFragment An element of an interaction, such as a message start or end, an Execution Specification, or a Combined Fragment.
Public interface IInteractionOperand A part of a CombinedFragment. A CombinedFragment can have one or more InteractionOperands, depending on its InteractionOperator.
Public interface IInteractionUse Represents a part of a sequence that is defined in another Interaction, or a sequence of interactions that the user does not wish to define in detail.
Public interface ILifeline A participant in an Interaction from which messages can be sent and received.
Public interface IMessage A communication between lifelines in an Interaction.
Public interface IMessageEnd Represents the point at each end of a message. Can be linked to a Lifeline or a LostFoundTarget.
Public interface IMessageOccurrenceSpecification A point on a lifeline at which a message or event is sent or received.
Public interface IOccurrenceSpecification Represents a significant point on an interaction diagram.
Public interface IOperandOccurrenceSpecification An Occurrence Specification representing the start or end of an Interaction Operand
Public interface IReceiveOperationEvent Specifies that the context object waits for a specific operation to be invoked.
Public interface IReceiveSignalEvent Specifies that the Interaction waits to receive a signal.
Public interface ISendOperationEvent Specifies that an operation is invoked.
Public interface ISendSignalEvent Specifies that a signal is sent, for example to another process or system.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration InteractionOperatorKind Describes how the Operands of a CombinedFragment are to be combined.
Public enumeration MessageKind Describes a message in an interaction.
Public enumeration MessageSort Describes characteristics of a message in an interaction.