다음을 통해 공유


The framework calls this method when it erases a frame on a CMFCBaseTabCtrl Class object.

virtual BOOL OnEraseTabsFrame(
   CDC* pDC,
   CRect rect,
   const CMFCBaseTabCtrl* pTabWnd


  • [in] pDC
    A pointer to a device context.

  • [in] rect
    A rectangle that specifies the boundaries of the tab window.

  • [in] pTabWnd
    A pointer to a tab window. The framework erases a frame for this CMFCBaseTabCtrl Class.

Return Value

TRUE if the method is successful or FALSE if not.


This method fills the area indicated by rect with the background color of the active tab. It is called when a CMFCBaseTabCtrl object processes a WM_PAINT message and erases a tab frame.


Header: afxvisualmanageroffice2003.h

See Also


CMFCVisualManagerOffice2003 Class

Hierarchy Chart