.gif) |
AspNetDevelopmentServer |
Represents the settings for an instance of the ASP.NET Development Server. More than one instance may occur during a test. |
.gif) |
CollectorDataEntry |
Infrastructure. Represents a data entry from a diagnostic data adapter. |
.gif) |
ComputerInfo |
Obsolete. Provides information about the computer that sent a TestResultMessage. This class is obsolete. |
.gif) |
DataCollectorExceptionMessageInfo |
Represents information about an exception that is reported by a diagnostic data collector. |
.gif) |
DataCollectorMessageInfo |
Represents an error message or warning message for diagnostic data adapters. |
.gif) |
DebugOperationResult |
Represents the results of a debug operation. |
.gif) |
DebugRequestMessage |
Represents a request from a test adapter or host adapter for a debug test operation. |
.gif) |
DebugTargetInfo |
Provides information about a debug target. |
.gif) |
DeploymentItem |
Represents a file, a directory, or another item to be deployed with a test run. |
.gif) |
DeploymentItemCollection |
A collection of DeploymentItem objects. |
.gif) |
EqtBaseCollection<T> |
Provides a base class for collections in this namespace. |
.gif) |
EqtTextWriterTraceListener |
Opens a shared log file in append mode. |
.gif) |
GroupingPropertyAttribute |
Represents the attribute that marks a property as a grouping property. |
.gif) |
HostRunConfigurationData |
Infrastructure. Encapsulates test run configuration data about both the current active host and storage for configuration settings for all hosts. |
.gif) |
KnownExecutionAppKeys |
No content here will be updated; please do not add material here. |
.gif) |
Link |
Represents a link to a test object or to a file on the server in Visual Studio Test Professional. |
.gif) |
LocalizedDescriptionAttribute |
Infrastructure. Represents the attribute that enables the localization of a property description. This class cannot be inherited. |
.gif) |
NameValue |
Represents a named text value. |
.gif) |
NonPersistableAttribute |
Represents a marker attribute for a field that indicates that it must not be persisted. |
.gif) |
PersistenceElementNameAttribute |
Represents an attribute that provides an element name for persisting an element to XML. |
.gif) |
ProjectData |
Represents information about a test project in Visual Studio. |
.gif) |
PropertyWindowAttribute |
Represents an attribute for a property that indicates whether the property will appear in the property window. |
.gif) |
PublishInfo |
Infrastructure. Represents internal information about publishing test results. |
.gif) |
QTMeasurementBlockFactory |
.gif) |
RunInfo |
Represents information about the execution of a test run. |
.gif) |
RunOutputTestResultMessage |
Collects standard output, standard error, and trace data about a test run for diagnostic data adapters to report to the user. |
.gif) |
RunResultAndStatistics |
Represents a test result that is used to keep statistics at the test run level. |
.gif) |
RunStateEvent |
Represents a request to change the state of a test run. |
.gif) |
SessionId |
Represents an identifier for a test session. This class cannot be inherited. |
.gif) |
TcmContext |
No content here will be updated; please do not add material here. |
.gif) |
TcmInformation |
Infrastructure. Encapsulates the information about a test that is stored in the test case management server. |
.gif) |
TestAggregation |
Represents an aggregation of test elements and links. |
.gif) |
TestAndCategoryPair |
Represents a match between a test and a test category that is used by the Test List Editor window of Visual Studio Test Professional. |
.gif) |
TestCaseManagementDisplayNameAttribute |
Represents an attribute that can be applied to test element properties that enables the Visual Studio Test Professional user interface to localize property names. This class cannot be inherited. |
.gif) |
TestCategoryItem |
Represents a category for a test. |
.gif) |
TestCategoryItemCollection |
Represents a collection of strings that categorize a test. |
.gif) |
TestElement |
Provides a base class for all tests. |
.gif) |
TestExecId |
Represents a unique ID for a test in a test run. This class cannot be inherited. |
.gif) |
TestExecutionTraceInformation |
Encapsulates the trace information when an error occurs during test execution. This class cannot be inherited. |
.gif) |
TestId |
Represents a unique ID for a test. |
.gif) |
TestListCategoryId |
Identifies a specific list of tests in the Test List Editor window of Microsoft Visual Studio Test Professional 2010 and provides access to the IDs of the predefined test lists. |
.gif) |
TestMessage |
Represents a base class for messages that are passed between client, controller, and agents. |
.gif) |
TestOutcomeHelper |
Infrastructure. Provides helper methods for test outcomes. |
.gif) |
TestResult |
Represents a base class for test results and represents the results of a test. |
.gif) |
TestResultAggregation |
Represents a test result that has aggregated information from all test results in the associated test run. |
.gif) |
TestResultBase |
Provides an optional base class for a custom test result class. |
.gif) |
TestResultCounter |
Provides functionality to persist the counts of the outcomes of test cases in a test aggregation. |
.gif) |
TestResultDetail |
Represents the detailed information for a test result. |
.gif) |
TestResultErrorInfo |
Represents an error or warning message that was encountered during a test run and included in the test result. |
.gif) |
TestResultId |
Represents a unique identifier for a test result. |
.gif) |
TestResultMessage |
Provides a base class for test results. |
.gif) |
TestRun |
Provides a snapshot of a test job that was taken when it was executed. This class cannot be inherited. |
.gif) |
TestRunConfiguration |
No content here will be updated; please do not add material here. |
.gif) |
TestRunConfigurationId |
Represents an identifier for a test run configuration object. |
.gif) |
TestRunEventArgs |
Represents the base class for test run event arguments. |
.gif) |
TestRunTextResultMessage |
Represents text information to report extra information that is provided by the user and added to the test result. |
.gif) |
TestStateEvent |
Represents a notification record for a change in test state. |
.gif) |
TestType |
Identifies a type of test. |
.gif) |
TestTypeExtensionClientSide |
Provides a base class for custom test extensions to work on the client. |
.gif) |
TextTestResultMessage |
Provides a message that is used by tests to report additional information that the user wants to see in the result. |
.gif) |
TimerResult |
Records the result of a timer that a test writer may use to execute a part of a test. |
.gif) |
Tip |
Represents the default implementation of a test item provider that must be implemented for each type of test. |
.gif) |
UriDataAttachment |
Provides an implementation of IDataAttachment for sending any resource that can be accessed by a uniform resource identifier (URI) as an attachment. |
.gif) |
UserVisiblePropertyAttribute |
Represents an attribute that can be applied to a property of a test element to make the property visible in the property window of the Visual Studio Test Professional user interface. This class cannot be inherited. |
.gif) |
VisiblePropertyAttribute |
Represents an attribute that is applied to a property of a test element that marks a property as a grouping property in the property window of the Visual Studio Test Professional user interface. |
.gif) |
WarningEventArgs |
Represents the event arguments for a warning that occurred during a test execution. |
.gif) |
XmlTestReader |
Provides XML reading functionality in Visual Studio Test Professional. |
.gif) |
XmlTestWriter |
Provides XML writing functionality in Visual Studio Test Professional. |