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RECT Structure

The RECT structure defines the coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners of a rectangle.

typedef struct tagRECT { 
   LONG left; 
   LONG top; 
   LONG right; 
   LONG bottom; 


  • left
    Specifies the x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of a rectangle.

  • top
    Specifies the y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of a rectangle.

  • right
    Specifies the x-coordinate of the lower-right corner of a rectangle.

  • bottom
    Specifies the y-coordinate of the lower-right corner of a rectangle.


//Alternate ways to intialize a RECT structure:

RECT rctA;
rctA.left = 20;  
rctA.top = 30;  
rctA.right  = 180;  
rctA.bottom = 230;

RECT rctB = {20,30,180,230};   


Header: windef.h

See Also


CRect Class

Other Resources

Structures, Styles, Callbacks, and Message Maps