다음을 통해 공유


After dragging has begun, this function is called repeatedly by the framework until the drag operation is either canceled or completed.

virtual SCODE QueryContinueDrag( 
   BOOL bEscapePressed, 
   DWORD dwKeyState  


  • bEscapePressed
    States whether the ESC key has been pressed since the last call to COleDropSource::QueryContinueDrag.

  • dwKeyState
    Contains the state of the modifier keys on the keyboard. This is a combination of any number of the following: MK_CONTROL, MK_SHIFT, MK_ALT, MK_LBUTTON, MK_MBUTTON, and MK_RBUTTON.

Return Value

DRAGDROP_S_CANCEL if the ESC key or right button is pressed, or left button is raised before dragging starts. DRAGDROP_S_DROP if a drop operation should occur. Otherwise S_OK.


Override this function if you want to change the point at which dragging is canceled or a drop occurs.

The default implementation initiates the drop or cancels the drag as follows. It cancels a drag operation when the ESC key or the right mouse button is pressed. It initiates a drop operation when the left mouse button is raised after dragging has started. Otherwise, it returns S_OK and performs no further operations.

Because this function is called frequently, it should be optimized as much as possible.


Header: afxole.h

See Also


COleDropSource Class

Hierarchy Chart

