다음을 통해 공유


Specifies options for finding hidden regions.

This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.

Namespace:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop
Assembly:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop.dll)


<FlagsAttribute> _
public enum class FIND_HIDDEN_REGION_FLAGS


Member name Description
FHR_ALL_REGIONS Specify only this flag to find all hidden regions.
FHR_BY_CLIENT_DATA Find region by matching client-specified value in EnumHiddenRegions with the dwClient member value specified in the NewHiddenRegion structure for each hidden region.
FHR_BY_TYPE Find region by type. Casts marker type to DWORD and puts in dwCookie.
FHR_CLIENT_CONTROLLED_ONLY Finds only regions that are controlled by the dwClient member value specified in the NewHiddenRegion structure for each hidden region.
FHR_EDITOR_CONTROLLED_ONLY Finds only regions that are controlled by the active editor.
FHR_ENTIRELY_WITHIN_SPAN Finds regions that are entirely within the given span, not simply intersecting the span.
FHR_EXACT_SPAN Finds only regions whose base span exactly matches the specified span.
FHR_INNERMOST Finds one region that is the most deeply nested region.
FHR_INTERSECTS_SPAN Finds all regions intersecting the given span.
FHR_MUST_START_IN_SPAN Like FHR_PREFER_START_IN_SPAN, except that only regions starting within spans will be returned
FHR_PREFER_START_IN_SPAN Gives a region starting within the span higher priority than one ending in the span. Only has an effect when FHR_INNERMOST is specified.
FHR_VISIBLE_ONLY Excludes regions inside a collapsed region.
fhrAllRegions Compatibility member. Use FHR_ALL_REGIONS.
fhrByClientData Compatibility member. Use FHR_BY_CLIENT_DATA.
fhrByType Compatibility member. Use FHR_BY_TYPE.
fhrClientControlledOnly Compatibility member. Use FHR_CLIENT_CONTROLLED_ONLY.
fhrEditorControlledOnly Compatibility member. Use FHR_EDITOR_CONTROLLED_ONLY.
fhrExactSpan Compatibility member. Use FHR_EXACT_SPAN.
fhrWithinSpan Compatibility member. Use FHR_WITHIN_SPAN.


COM Signature

From textmgr.idl:

See Also


Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop Namespace