다음을 통해 공유


대문자로 로캘에서 요소 인지 여부를 테스트 합니다.

template<Class CharType>
   bool isupper(
      CharType _Ch, 
      const locale& _Loc

매개 변수

  • _Ch
    테스트 요소입니다.

  • _Loc
    테스트 하는 요소를 포함 하는 로캘.

반환 값

true 이면 경우 테스트 요소에 대 문자가 있습니다. false 이면 되지 않은 경우.


템플릿 함수가 반환 use_facet<ctype<CharType> >(_Loc).is(ctype<CharType>::upper, _Ch).


// locale_isupper.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <locale>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main( )   
   locale loc ( "German_Germany" );
   bool result1 = isupper ( 'L', loc );
   bool result2 = isupper ( 'n', loc );
   bool result3 = isupper ( '3', loc );

   if ( result1 )
      cout << "The character 'L' in the locale is "
           << "a uppercase character." << endl;
      cout << "The character 'L' in the locale is "
           << " not a uppercase character." << endl;

   if ( result2 )
      cout << "The character 'n' in the locale is "
           << "a uppercase character." << endl;
      cout << "The character 'n' in the locale is "
           << " not a uppercase character." << endl;

   if ( result3 )
      cout << "The character '3' in the locale is "
           << "a uppercase character." << endl;
      cout << "The character '3' in the locale is "
           << " not a uppercase character." << endl;


The character 'L' in the locale is a uppercase character.
The character 'n' in the locale is  not a uppercase character.
The character '3' in the locale is  not a uppercase character.

요구 사항

헤더: <locale>

네임 스페이스: std