Search for a property or asset by name
You can find properties and assets quickly by typing characters in Search text boxes that will filter the list of displayed items.
The Search text box in the Properties panel
A Search text box is also available in the storyboard picker to help you search for storyboards.
To search for a property by name
On the artboard, select the object for which you want to find a property.
At the top of the Properties panel, click inside the Search text box, and then type some characters for the name of the property that you want to search for. The list of properties updates to show only those properties (and advanced properties) that include the characters that you type.
The Properties panel displaying only those properties that have "width" in their name
To restore the Properties panel so that it displays the full list of properties, click Clear
next to the Search text box.
To search for an asset by name
With a project open in Blend for Visual Studio 2012, click Assets
in the Tools panel.
In the Assets panel, select the tab that corresponds to the category of assets through which you want to search.
At the top of the Assets panel, click inside the Search text box, and then type some characters for the name of the asset that you want to search for. The list of assets updates to show only those assets that include the characters that you type.
The Assets panel displaying only those system controls that have "button" in their name
To restore the Assets panel so that it displays the full list of assets, click Clear
next to the Search text box.