다음을 통해 공유


Draws the separator between the label and the description in a tooltip.

virtual void OnDrawSeparator(
   CDC* pDC,
   int x1,
   int x2,
   int y 


  • [in] pDC
    A pointer to a device context.

  • [in] x1
    Horizontal coordinate of the left end of the separator.

  • [in] x2
    Horizontal coordinate of the right end of the separator.

  • [in] Y
    Vertical coordinate of the separator.


The default implementation draws a line from the point (x1, y) to the point (x2, y).

Override this method in a derived class to customize the appearance of the separator.


Header: afxToolTipCtrl.h

See Also


CMFCToolTipCtrl Class

Hierarchy Chart