Debugger3.AllBreakpointsLastHit 속성
마지막으로 동시에 적중한 바인딩된 중단점의 컬렉션을 가져옵니다.
네임스페이스: EnvDTE90
어셈블리: EnvDTE90(EnvDTE90.dll)
ReadOnly Property AllBreakpointsLastHit As Breakpoints
Breakpoints AllBreakpointsLastHit { get; }
property Breakpoints^ AllBreakpointsLastHit {
Breakpoints^ get ();
abstract AllBreakpointsLastHit : Breakpoints
function get AllBreakpointsLastHit () : Breakpoints
속성 값
형식: EnvDTE.Breakpoints
Breakpoints 컬렉션입니다.
AllBreakpointsLastHit은 디버거가 동시에 적중한 여러 개의 바인딩된 중단점이 들어 있는 Breakpoints 컬렉션을 가져옵니다. 바인딩된 중단점에 대한 자세한 내용은 dbgBreakpointType을 참조하십시오. 중단점을 하나만 검색하려면 BreakpointLastHit 속성을 사용합니다.
Sub ListBreakpointsLastHit()
' This function dumps the names of all the breakpoints last hit to
' a new pane in the Output window.
Dim ow As OutputWindow
ow = DTE.Windows.Item(Constants.vsWindowKindOutput).Object
Dim bppane As OutputWindowPane
bppane = ow.OutputWindowPanes.Add("Debugger")
Dim hitbps As EnvDTE90.Breakpoints3
hitbps = DTE.Debugger.AllBreakpointsLastHit
If (hitbps.Count > 0) Then
Dim bp As Breakpoint
For Each bp In hitbps
bppane.OutputString(bp.Name + vbCrLf)
bppane.OutputString("No breakpoints were hit")
End If
End Sub
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