Call this member function to retrieve binary data from an entry within a specified section of the application's registry or .INI file.
BOOL GetProfileBinary(
LPCTSTR lpszSection,
LPCTSTR lpszEntry,
LPBYTE* ppData,
UINT* pBytes
Points to a null-terminated string that specifies the section containing the entry.lpszEntry
Points to a null-terminated string that contains the entry whose value is to be retrieved.ppData
Points to a pointer that will receive the address of the data.pBytes
Points to a UINT that will receive the size of the data (in bytes).
Return Value
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.
This member function is not case sensitive, so the strings in the lpszSection and lpszEntry parameters may differ in case.
GetProfileBinary allocates a buffer and returns its address in *ppData. The caller is responsible for freeing the buffer using delete [].
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The data returned by this function is not necessarily NULL terminated, and the caller must perform validation. For more information, see Avoiding Buffer Overruns. |
CWinApp* pApp = AfxGetApp();
const TCHAR* pszKey = _T("My Section");
struct complex {
double re, im;
} myData = { 1.4142, -0.5 };
// Write the information to the registry.
pApp->WriteProfileBinary(pszKey, _T("ComplexData"), (LPBYTE)&myData,
// Read the information from the registry.
complex* pData;
BOOL ret = pApp->GetProfileBinary(pszKey, _T("ComplexData"), (LPBYTE*)&pData,
ASSERT(n == sizeof(complex));
ASSERT( == pData->re);
ASSERT( == pData->im);
delete [] pData; // free the buffer
For an additional example, see CWinApp::WriteProfileBinary.
Smart Device Developer Notes
Only the registry-based version using CWinApp::SetRegistryKey is supported in Windows CE-based projects.
Header: afxwin.h