Visual Basic Concepts
Topics on General ActiveX Programming
These links take you to general information to help you make the most of ActiveX technology.
All Editions Links to information about creating your own ActiveX controls and ActiveX documents, in addition to other ActiveX features.
All Editions Provides fundamental in-depth information about objects, including creating classes and using designers.
All Editions Offers fundamental techniques for using ActiveX components in your applications.
General Principles of Component Design
Professional and Enterprise Editions Contains advanced information of importance to component designers, including terminology, concepts, instancing for class modules, polymorphism, and object models.
ActiveX Component Standards and Guidelines
Professional and Enterprise Editions Offers guidelines for object naming, component shutdown, implementing collections and Application objects, and more.
Extending the Visual Basic Environment with Add-Ins
Professional and Enterprise Editions Provides a guide to using the Visual Basic extensibility object model to tailor the development environment to your unique needs with add-ins.
All Editions Provides links to information on wizards, many of which are helpful in creating ActiveX components.