다음을 통해 공유

Field Creation

When you create table fields, you determine how data is identified and stored in the table by specifying a field name, a data type, and a field width. You also can control what data is allowed into the field by specifying whether the field allows null values, has a default value, or must meet validation rules. Setting the display properties, you can specify the type of form control created when the field is added onto a form, the format for the contents of the fields, or the caption that labels the content of field.

Note   Tables in Visual FoxPro can contain up to 255 fields. If one or more fields can contain null values, the maximum number of fields the table can contain is reduced by one, from 255 to 254.

See Also

Table Creation | Naming Fields | Working with Tables | Creating a Database Table | Choosing Data Types | Restricting Access to Fields