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Distributing Applications

After you have developed and tested your application, you can prepare to distribute it by including all required files and creating distribution disks.

In This Section

  • The Distribution Process
    See an overview of the steps needed to distribute your applications.
  • Preparing an Application for Distribution
    To prepare your application for the run-time environment, you might want to choose the type of build, consider environment issues, ensure the correct run-time behavior, and remove restricted features and files.
  • Using Visual FoxPro
    Visual FoxPro programming features are designed to improve developer productivity, including Access and Assign methods, support for more graphic file formats, and language to simplify programming tasks.
  • Developing Visual FoxPro Applications
    This section includes conceptual information about how to develop Visual FoxPro applications, instructions for creating databases and the user interface, and other tasks needed to create Visual FoxPro applications.
  • Programming in Visual FoxPro
    Visual FoxPro is a powerful interactive data management tool, but you also can access the full power of Visual FoxPro by creating applications. Understanding object-oriented programming techniques and the event-driven model can maximize your programming productivity.